The Evil King and the Mad Concubine

Chapter 74 Ask the Emperor to marry him

Chapter 74 Ask the Emperor to marry him

Lan Fei's complexion suddenly turned red, then turned white, and finally turned blue, her body was trembling faintly, Qu Yan really didn't know why she was doing this, so she couldn't help but look at Helian Qiongtian curiously.

"The emperor is here!" The servant outside the door announced, and immediately everyone inside stood up to greet her, and Concubine Lan recovered her expression, but when she looked at Qu Yan, she was full of murderous intent.

A bright yellow figure appeared in front of Qu Yan. This was a decent-looking middle-aged man with handsome features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. There was a majestic look between his brows.

After everyone saluted together, the emperor Helian Huangpu walked directly in front of Helian Qiongtian, put his arm around his shoulder and said with a smile: "Qiaotian, this is your princess!" It felt like two brothers It seems that it shows how much the emperor loves this son who is not his own son.

While speaking, Helian Huangpu's tiger eyes looked towards Quyan, obviously Quyan had a new face here.

"Qu Yan has met the emperor." Qu Yan only needs to salute again, but the first thing she thinks is that the emperor is not bad, but she doesn't know why there is a woman like Lan Fei, and it turns out that the most wise and powerful heroes are sad about women. .

"Alright, get up." Helian Huangpu's first impression of Qu Yan was also very good.

"Father, you have also met Yan'er, can you take her back home?" Helian Qiongtian directly proposed to leave.

"So fast? Everyone has seen it?" Helian Huangpu looked at Concubine Lan after being taken aback, "Concubine Ai, Qiongtian's vision is still good, this child looks very good."

"Hmph! Your Majesty, do you only look at faces? When you marry a wife, you don't even know who she is. If you are so decisive, aren't you afraid that Qiongtian will marry a bad woman? Thank you for pampering him so much. Concubine Lan twisted her waist directly, walked up coquettishly, and took Helian Huangpu's arms with both hands.

Seeing it like that made Qu Yan a little disgusted, just now is completely different from now, this woman can act better than her, but it can be seen how the emperor was charmed by her, with a coquettish voice, which man can stand it ah.

"That's right, Your Majesty, but we grew up watching Qiongtian, and we are not willing to marry any woman!" Concubine Jing also came up as if she had suffered a lot, and then there was a large group of people who stepped on Qu Yan. women, none of them agree.

Helian Huangpu touched Concubine Lan's hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, Qiongtian is no longer a child, he has his own sense of propriety, and besides, since he is willing to marry Miss Qu, there is nothing wrong with it." If you are satisfied, don't worry about it."

"Thank you, father!" Helian Qiongtian immediately said loudly, then winked at Qu Yan and said, "The boy and Yan'er are going back first."

"Wait!" Lan Fei stopped again.

Helian Qiongtian looked at her very annoyed, but Concubine Lan smiled and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Princess Hongyao has a deep love for Qiongtian. Although Qiongtian has a princess, Hongyao is willing to be a side concubine. I hope the emperor agrees." Give marriage."

"This?" Helian Huangpu looked at Helian Qiongtian with some embarrassment.

Helian Qiongtian's eyes were cold, and he said directly: "Father, the child has enough looks, and I don't want to marry another woman!"

"Qu Yan, what do you say? You won't let Qiongtian marry the side concubine, right?" Concubine Lan asked Qu Yan directly regardless of Helian Qiongtian.

(End of this chapter)

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