Chapter 786

"Despicable! Patriarch Yan is doing it for your own good. You just don't know good people, you are selfish, and you blame Patriarch Yan. Later, you have been wronging Patriarch Yan and ruined the Yan family. How do you have the face to say this now?" Gao Ying Ye Qiao helped Helian Qiong go back with a dark face.

"The old man hasn't killed him until now because he is my elder brother, otherwise you think I will let the Yan family exist until today! Still growing up under the old man's eyes in Luodaocheng? Don't let other people bully him, only the old man himself Bullying? What do you know! Stop talking nonsense! Since Ms. Qu has agreed to the conditions, let’s go to the medicine valley first, get the medicinal materials and go to the second gate.” After speaking, she turned around and left, looking at the back, she seemed to bear it. wearing something.

"Don't think I'll forgive you if you explain so much, you killed my mother!" Helian Qiongtian suddenly said sharply to his back.

Feng Xianjun suddenly turned around, the expression on that elegant old face twisted, and then the muscles trembled, his eyes stared sharply at Helian Qiongtian, just when everyone thought he was about to explode, suddenly he was like a deflated ball, His complexion also relaxed.

"The woman I Yan Qinghu loves the most in this life is Luji, and I never thought of killing her. It was your father who forced her to death. If she can follow me, why should she escape to Biyun Continent and give birth to you? Dying in childbirth! If you want to blame, you can only blame your father!" After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Everyone was stunned, and then Helian Qiongtianjun roared with a dark face: "My mother doesn't like you at all! You are a selfish, despicable and shameless guy, why should my mother be with you! My mother hates you, I Yan Qiongtian is at odds with you!"

Qu Yan saw that Helian Qiongtian was so emotionally exposed. It can be seen that he was really heartbroken and angry to the extreme. Feng Xianjun did love Lu Ji, but he was too selfish and completely ignored Lu Ji's preferences, which led to the final tragedy. I don't know what's wrong, but I still think it's because Lu Ji doesn't follow him. Lu Ji likes Yan Tianlong, and she feels resentment in her heart. She wants to make Yan Tianlong suffer for the rest of her life. This kind of mentality is actually extremely abnormal, but he doesn't know it, and Go farther and farther on the road of abnormality.

The mountain wind made the leaves rustle, and there was silence all around for a while, even the people on Hong Jintian's side looked up at Helian Qiongtian's side, and no one said a word.

Only Hong Meili grabbed her with both hands. She knew that her father loved Luji, but what about her mother?How could father be like this, he married his mother first, who loved him deeply, but he fell in love with Lu Ji, and kept saying that Lu Ji was his favorite woman, where did he put his mother?And dad said this in front of her and brother, didn't he consider their feelings?
Yan Qiongtian's words are correct, his father is indeed too selfish, selfish enough to hurt his mother and children, just for a woman who doesn't love him.

At this moment, Hong Meili was also full of anger towards her father.

After that, the two sides seemed to be silent, and they didn't speak to each other until seven days later, Feng Xianjun stood in front of the black eagle and said: "The ancient tomb is coming soon, everyone get ready."

Qu Yan and the others saw a very large circular area from the top down. The whole area was covered with fog, and the specific situation inside could not be seen clearly, but it had the shape of trees, mountains and rocks, and the middle part could not be seen at all. thing.

(End of this chapter)

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