Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 402 Chasing away the loudspeakers and making noise when meeting

Chapter 402 Chasing away the loudspeakers and making noise when meeting (5)
"Okay! Stop arguing, both of you! If you keep arguing, I will kick you out!"

Seeing that the eldest sister was angry, Lin Wei finally bit her lips and stopped talking.Xiao Linzi didn't speak anymore, but the provocative look in his eyes made Lin Wei really want to rush up and punch him!
"Xiao Linzi, don't talk." Lin Yuan looked at Lin Wei, whose eyes were about to burst into flames, and stood between her and Xiao Linzi: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Wei snorted at Xiao Linzi, and began to accuse him of his "evil deeds": "Elder sister, this scoundrel."

Stared at by the eldest sister, Lin Wei immediately changed her words unwillingly: "This little Lin, I just saw him beating and scolding those working children, just like a rich landlord. What a pie! I couldn’t see it, so I said a few words to him, but he was fine, saying what I am, um, yes, eating salty radishes and worrying about me, and saying that I am meddling with rats! Sister, tell me He, he is clearly wrong to beat a child, why don't you let others tell? He even beat around the bush and called me a puppy!"

After telling the eldest sister, Lin Wei's eyes started to turn red with grievance, but because she was in front of a particularly annoying person, she held on tightly and kept the tears from falling.

Xiao Linzi still looked around indifferently with his chest in his arms, just in time to see Lin Wei's obstinate appearance, which was clearly about to cry out of aggrieved but still carrying it with all his might, something touched in his heart, as if seeing himself half a year ago.

Lin Yuan knew her little sister best and knew that she never lied. Since she said she saw Xiao Linzi beating and scolding those children, it must be true.

However, she was very puzzled. When she came from the barn just now, she didn't see anything wrong with those children at all. They were obviously very happy.

"Xiao Linzi, is what Lin Wei said true?" Turning around, Lin Yuan began to ask Xiao Linzi, although she knew that Xiao Linzi would definitely not give her an answer.


Xiao Linzi withdrew his gaze, and said lightly: "Is it true? You can find out if you ask."

Seeing this guy's tugging appearance, Lin Yuan wished she could slap him on the forehead and turn him into a pancake!
However, in order to verify the truth, Lin Yuan still went to the warehouse to find out the facts.In case Lin Wei and the two of them quarreled again, she brought the two of them with her.

After Lin Wei's identification, Lin Yuan quickly called the little boy who was "beating and scolding" Xiao Linzi over.

The little boy was fairly handsome, but there was a shallow scar on his forehead, which seemed to be scratched by something.No need to ask, Lin Yuan also knew that this must have been beaten by the big beggar when they were grabbing things from the big beggar.Xiao Linzi had told her many things like this.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan recalled the scene when Xiao Linzi tried his best to let these children stay and work. According to Xiao Linzi's performance at that time, it was absolutely impossible for him to bully these children.

"Hi, my master." The little boy greeted Lin Yuan happily.

Lin Yuan was a little surprised by his politeness, but when she looked at the boy's adoring eyes towards Xiao Linzi, she understood everything, and it was Xiao Linzi who taught well.

"Hello what is your name?"

"I don't have a name, but they all like to call me Xiao Sier." The little boy spoke neatly, which made Lin Yuan's affection for him even deeper.

"What's your relationship with Xiao Linzi? After coming here, do you still get used to it?" Lin Yuan didn't directly ask Xiao Si'er if Xiao Linzi beat her, because she really didn't think Xiao Linzi was a bully people.

(End of this chapter)

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