Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 641 The Death of Lin Jiale

Chapter 641 The Death of Lin Jiale

Lin Yuan yelled, and a large bowl was filled with a strainer.

Lin Wei put down the firewood, wiped her hands, quickly took the bowl, and quickly sent it to the house.

Xiao Linshuang was not idle either, she took the bowl with chopsticks and prepared the balsamic vinegar for dipping the dumplings in. As soon as she entered the room, her little mouth began to drool.

Lao Fan also wore new clothes and sat in the main seat. We celebrate the New Year together today, and we have already regarded him as a family member.The seniority is the oldest, so there is nothing wrong with sitting on the main seat.

I saw that Lao Fan also wore a new dress. Although he didn't sleep all night, he was still in good spirits.The clothes on his body were designed by Lin Yuan herself. When he first gave them out, he always looked disgusted, but he didn't expect to wear them for the Chinese New Year.

Lin Yuan came in with the last bowl of dumplings and saw Lao Fan sitting upright, she couldn't help but secretly smiled, obviously she couldn't take her eyes off the dumplings, but she still had to pretend not to care.

"Dumplings are here!" Lin Yuan put the bowl on the table with a smile, but instead of sitting down to eat, she pulled her two younger sisters to stand in front of Lin Jiaxin and Liu Shi: "Father, mother, my daughter wishes you a new year, I wish you two elders good health and all the best!"

As they spoke, they pulled each other with one hand, and the three sisters knelt on the ground with their knees bent, and kowtowed.

People here need to kneel and kowtow to pay New Year's greetings. Although Lin Yuan is not used to it, but it is her own parents who are paying her respects, so she doesn't feel bad about it.

Looking at the well-behaved three daughters, Lin Jiaxin was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and even said "good" several times.

However, Mrs. Liu had tears in her eyes, and before the girls kowtowed down, she stood up and caught the three of them: "Don't kowtow, don't kowtow, get up quickly, the ground is cold!"

Having said that, the three Lin Yuan sisters kowtowed to each of them firmly, and then stood up smiling.

Seeing that Mrs. Liu's tears were about to come down, Lin Yuan secretly poked Xiao Linshuang's arm. The little girl understood, smiled, and stretched out her fleshy little hand in front of Mrs. Liu: "Mother, Gong Xi Fa Cai, red envelope Bring it!"

The little girl's cute and naive appearance immediately made Liu burst into laughter, reached out and patted her chubby little palm, and said angrily: "Stinky girl, ghost!"

"Hey, the most spooky is the eldest sister, who taught me this!" Xiao Linshuang raised his eyelids, and sold someone out very unkindly.

Mrs. Liu has prepared red envelopes a long time ago. Although the conditions were not good in the past, Mrs. Liu would prepare a red envelope for the children every Chinese New Year.Sometimes there is a copper plate in it, and sometimes when there is no money, it is changed into a beautiful little purse.In short, as long as it is Chinese New Year, the three sisters will get a small gift.

Now that the conditions are better, Liu's red envelopes are also bulging.However, in order to prevent the children from spending money indiscriminately, her red envelopes are still very measured.

"Come on, one per person."

Mrs. Liu put the red envelopes into the hands of the three children one by one, and kept chanting.

"May Yaya be smart and healthy, and soon become a great doctor who cures diseases with medicine."

"May Erya's craftsmanship become more and more exquisite, and open her own embroidery workshop."

When it was Lin Yuan's turn, Liu looked at her daughter dotingly, and put the red envelope in her hand: "May Da Ya marry a good husband as soon as possible, and the husband and wife will love each other until they grow old."

The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth twitched, and the smile froze on her face. She thought her mother would say that she wished her business would prosper and become the richest man in the country as soon as possible. Why, how could it change?

Lin Wei and Xiao Linshuang didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Seeing that the elder sister hadn't reached out to take the red envelope, they laughed and booed: "Eldest sister, take the red envelope!"

"That's right, big sister, you have to help her realize Mother's wish as soon as possible!"

Seeing Liu's pretty face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Lin Yuan curled her lips speechlessly, and had no choice but to accept the red envelope.

Lao Fan squinted his eyes, and the white beard moved suspiciously.

Lin Jiaxin also prepared red envelopes for the three sisters, but he is a man after all, so when he gave the children red envelopes, he just smiled and said Happy New Year and it was over.

The three sisters held two red envelopes, smiling like flowers.However, Xiao Linshuang rolled his eyeballs, rushed to the old fan in two steps, and started to kneel without saying a word, but the old fan was startled.

"Master, master, Happy New Year. I hope you will have delicious food every day in the new year, and you can eat delicious food every moment!"

What this wish says is really in line with someone's wishes, and the apprentice is the most sensible and understands the mind of a teacher best.

But before Laofan could laugh out loud, Xiao Linshuang's little paws had already stretched out in front of him: "Master, master, bring the red envelope! The bigger the red envelope, the more delicacies you will have in the coming year!"

Lao Fan's face began to twitch, this little wolf cub is indeed a wolf cub, a real thief!
"Smelly girl, take it!"

Lao Fan reached out and took out three red envelopes from his pocket, and threw them one by one into the hands of Lin Yuan and the three sisters with a dark face. Perhaps he was worried that there would be no good food for the next year. When the old man put the red envelopes into Xiao Linshuang's hand, He turned his back carefully and secretly put double the amount of silver in it.

This childish appearance is exactly like Xiao Linshuang. Lin Yuan secretly smiled. Although she said all kinds of disgust, she still loved them very much, and even prepared the red envelopes early in the morning.

Although Xiao Yongyan was small, he also received a red envelope.Even Ji Dong was called in by Lin Jiaxin and was given a big red envelope.The seven-foot man was stunned like a little boy, obviously not expecting that he would still have a red envelope.

"Come, let's eat dumplings!"

After paying New Year's greetings to the elders in the family and eating dumplings from the first day of junior high school, you are considered to be one year older.

According to the custom in her previous life, Lin Yuan planned to put a copper coin in the dumpling to see who would be lucky enough to eat it.

But copper coins are no bigger than coins, and they are a bit bigger. She had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and use a few peanuts instead.In order not to show the truth, she also carefully wrapped the peanuts with dumpling stuffing, so that the cooked dumplings were just like other dumplings.

After receiving Lin Yuan's words, the whole family happily ate dumplings. Xiao Linshuang and Lao Fan ate an extra bowl for this, but no one ate any dumplings with peanuts.

Clutching his overstretched stomach, Laofan complained with a bitter face: "I said girl, is it because you put too little peanuts, we ate them inadvertently and didn't notice it?"

Xiao Linshuang also leaned in the chair, drawing circles on her stomach with her two little hands to eat: "That's right, there must be too little peanuts, so I didn't eat them. Oh, if I knew it, I would eat it slowly, one bite at a time. After eating, I don’t want to eat one dumpling at a time! Oh, my stomach hurts after eating.”

Lin Wei put down her chopsticks, rubbed Xiao Linshuang's stomach, and hummed distressedly: "If you were obedient, you wouldn't have a stomachache. I told you to eat slowly, but you didn't listen. It's all right now. He deserves to suffer."

Before Xiao Linshuang complained, she heard Lin Jiaxin suddenly gasp: "Huh? This dumpling doesn't taste right."

These words immediately attracted everyone's attention, only to see a few white and fat balls exposed in the dumpling that Lin Jiaxin took a bite of.

"Peanut?!" Xiao Linshuang's stomach pain disappeared, and she jumped up excitedly from the chair, "So it's with Dad! Dad is the most blessed person!"

Lao Fan frowned, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and then turned back to rub his stomach.Originally, I wanted to eat a few more dumplings to try my luck, well, I don't have to worry about my stomach now.

Liu Shi also looked at her husband happily, pursing her lips and smiling.

However, Lin Jiaxin fed the remaining half of the dumpling into the mouth of his little daughter, and said with a smile, "Yes, of course I am blessed to have you good children. Come, I will also let you be blessed."

Xiao Linshuang ate the dumpling in one bite, clapped her hands and laughed while chewing: "I'm blessed too, I'm blessed too!"

The light started to shine after dinner, because it had just snowed, and everyone came out to pay New Year's greetings a lot later.

Lin Jiaxin was a man, and after dinner he would go door-to-door in the village to pay New Year's greetings. He didn't have to go there before when his legs were bad, but this year when he got better, he would naturally go for a walk.

Fearing that he would be cold, Mrs. Liu brought him another cotton waistcoat.Lin Jiaxin got dressed and kissed little Yongyan on the cheek, the unevenly shaved stubble made the little guy hide.

"Haha, brat, grow up quickly. When you grow up, Dad will take you to the village to celebrate the New Year!"

Lin Yuan and the others are girls, unmarried girls don't need to go out to pay New Year's greetings.It stands to reason that the daughter-in-law should also go, but Mrs. Liu still has to take care of the baby at home, so Lin Jiaxin won't let her go out no matter what.

However, before Lin Jiaxin could go out, there was a heart-piercing howl from outside, which made everyone tremble subconsciously, and Xiao Yongyan, who was spitting milk bubbles in his swaddling baby, was frightened and cried.

Lin Yuan dropped what she was doing, and ran out of the kitchen with Lin Wei.

"This is, what's the matter?" Lin Wei looked at Lin Jiaxin stupidly, and wrapped her clothes tightly.

Lin Jiaxin twisted his handsome eyebrows: "Stay at home, I'll go out and have a look."

"Father, I'll go too!" Lin Yuan wiped her hands, threw the cloth towel on the stove, followed Lin Jiaxin and went out.

"Father, big sister, wait for me!" Xiao Linshuang, who was fearless, also followed, and Lin Wei couldn't stop her if she wanted to.

Seeing that Lin Yi and Lao Fan were also following behind, Lin Wei hesitated for a moment, then turned into the room, sat down next to Mrs. Liu and coaxed Xiao Yongyan together.

The crying continued, and it became louder and louder. Many people had already come out on the road, and they all looked at me and you in doubt. mourned.

I met a few neighbors I knew, and a group of people followed the sound to find him.Lin Yuan distinguished as she walked. Although the cry was a little broken, she could still make out some of it.

She looked up at Lin Jiaxin who was walking a little staggeringly in front of her. It seemed that her father also recognized that the voice belonged to Mrs. Ma.

"Father, don't worry." Lin Yuan quickly took two steps to hold Lin Jiaxin's arm.

Lin Jiaxin's eyes were already red, and he nodded blankly.

Lin Yuan sighed, hoping that it wasn't Lin Jianling who had the accident.

Walking along the road all the way, Lin Jiaxin staggered more and more as he walked, even Xiao Linshuang seemed to realize something, closed his mouth and stopped chattering.

Lin Yuan supported Lin Jiaxin and stepped on the snow, but felt that her footsteps were soft. She didn't know whether it was the softness of the first snow or her own legs.

The not-so-long road seemed to have become a lot longer. When they were about to reach the gate of the old house, a few people saw a group of people gathered in front of them and chattered. They didn't know what they were talking about.As he got closer, the crying became clearer.Only at this time did Lin Yuan realize that it wasn't just Ma Shi who was crying, it seemed that Yang's voice was also there, and Lin Jiazhong's deep voice seemed to be faintly heard occasionally.

Could it be that Lin Jianling was really dead?

However, if Lin Jianling died, why did Mrs. Ma cry more than Mrs. Yang?
Lin Jiaxin didn't think of this, his feet slipped, tears came out of his eyes, his body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Father, calm down!"

Lin Yuan yelled, if it weren't for Lin Yi who was behind him to help him quickly, Lin Jiaxin's good leg would be broken again.

"Quick, hurry over and have a look." Lin Jiaxin's lips began to tremble.

Supporting Lin Jiaxin to walk a few steps quickly, pulling away the crowd, an unexpected scene appeared before his eyes.

In a piece of white snow, a person was lying on the ground with a stiff body. Ma Shi held the person's head tightly, shaking and wailing heart-piercingly.Maybe it was because she had been crying for too long, her voice was already hoarse, and her crying words were not clear.

On the other side of that person is Yang Shi who is half kneeling on the ground. I haven't seen her these days, and Yang Shi's hair has become even whiter. In this world of ice and snow, it is almost the same color as snowflakes.She covered her face with her dry hands, and tears flowed from between her fingers, falling into the snow and making holes one after another.

Not to mention how hateful these two people are, the miserable crying of the two people at this moment alone makes anyone who hears it feel sad.Lin Yuan's nose was sour and itchy.Xiao Linshuang on the side was already crying.

Although the person on the ground couldn't see his face clearly, judging from his current appearance, he was obviously dead.Originally, Lin Yuan was worried that Xiao Linshuang would be scared after seeing this, so she wanted to cover her eyes.

But Lao Fan waved his hand, as if it was a matter of course.Indeed, Xiao Linshuang will become a doctor in the future. If a doctor dare not even look at the dead, he might as well go home and farm!
Facing the two women was Lin Jiazhong who was limp on the ground. Although he didn't cry, his red nose and eye sockets that were about to burst were enough to show that he was extremely sad at this moment.

Who is this person?
There was no need for Lin Yuan to ask, they had already got the answer from the onlookers.

It turned out that this person was Lin Yongle who was at home with a paralyzed leg.I don't know what happened last night, but no one looked at him, which made him crawl out of the house again.Because it was New Year's Eve and it was snowing again, there were no pedestrians on the road at all, and no one at home noticed him sneaking out, so he just froze in the snow.

It wasn't until Ma Shi and Lin Jiazhong came back this morning that they realized that their son was no longer in the house.When he came out to look for it, Lin Yongle was already covered in snow. If Ma Shi hadn't walked in a hurry and tripped over his son's leg, he might not be found until the snow melted.

"Oh, it's not the first time this paralyzed man crawled out. The last time I was so scared that my little girl cried for a long time."

"That's right, I've already told my elders to be optimistic about him, and I've said this many times but I just don't listen. Tsk tsk, now that something like this has happened, hey, what a crime!"

"This old couple is also the same. They don't even know that their son has escaped. I really don't know how this mother is? Didn't you keep the New Year's Eve last night? Didn't you notice that your son is missing? Really!"

The onlookers sighed as they spoke to each other.Although this Lin Yongle is already paralyzed and his mind is not clear, he is still alive after all. It is really embarrassing to say that if he is gone, he will be gone.

Lin Jiaxin was greatly relieved when he found out that the person who died was not Lin Jianling.But when he saw that it was his nephew, he immediately raised his tone again.

Although it was already seen that Lin Yongle's body was not moving, Lin Yuan still wanted to ask Lao Fan to see if he could be saved.

Receiving Lin Yuan's look for help, Lao Fan curled his lips, put his hands in his sleeves, and closed his eyes.

Lin Yuan's heart sank.Lao Fan didn't mean that he couldn't be saved, but that it was too late. This Lin Yongle was really dead, frozen to death.

"My son, my son!" Yang's voice became a little hoarse, and her withered hands tried to pull Lin Yongle's hand.

But before her hand came close, Mrs. Ma had already thrown her hand away with a look of disgust, and shouted viciously: "Get out of here! Don't make me cry like a mouse! Damn old woman, you just don't like my family Lele Let him freeze to death on purpose, right? If you look at him, why would he run out of the house by himself, and freeze to death in the snow? You just dislike my Lele, who has a broken leg and is useless , can’t do you any good, you just watch him go to die!”

Yang's lips trembled, and his hands shook again and again: "No, no, this is my own grandson, how can I just watch him go to die and ignore it! Last night, last night, I didn't know you two went out Ah, no one told me to watch him."

"You old man, did you kiss your grandson? Didn't you still ignore him when your second leg was disabled? You don't care about your son, but can you still care about your grandson?" Mrs. Ma kept scolding Mrs. Yang, although These words are not pleasant, but they are the truth, even Yang himself has nothing to say.

Hearing this, many people's attention has shifted from Yang's sophistry to Yang's harsh treatment of his descendants.

Lin Yuan frowned, feeling that Mrs. Ma had said that on purpose just now, as if she was hiding something.

Lin Jiazhong, who had been quietly watching his son from the side, suddenly raised his head, staring at Yang with a pair of vicious eyes, as if the woman in front of him was no longer his own mother, but the vicious spirit who killed his son. disgust.

 The seven-day long holiday begins O(∩_∩)O
  I can’t go anywhere with my baby/(ㄒoㄒ)/
  Tell me quickly, where are you all planning to go?Don’t forget to tell me again, where are the most people haha~
(End of this chapter)

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