Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1000 Chapter 1019: Spiritual Water Nourishing

Chapter 1000 Chapter 1019: Spiritual Water Nourishing
The sun shone on her face, which was a bit soft, and the serious expression made people couldn't help but take a few more glances!

A thin layer of sweat stained his forehead!

But Yun Feiyue didn't feel it at all, she still dug lightly, slowly dug out the ice fox from the soil, and carefully removed the soil stained on the ice fox: "Hey, what do you say , can it be nourished with spiritual water?"

Blink those eyes!
Look at that little fox that is crystal clear!
Ah, Nima, if she hadn't dug it out of the soil by herself, she wouldn't have believed it. It's a plant?

Are you sure it's not hand-carved?
"Hurry up and put it into the soil with aura!"

Seeing this, Bright Beast's eyes were tinged with worry: "Spiritual water is good for nourishing her, but black water seems to be better. This guy eats black and white. He doesn't belong to the light department or the dark department." !"

No matter how it sounds, it seems to be saying: This beast can take all men and women, it can be male or female, it can attack or beast~
Well, well, far away!

I saw Yun Feiyue put it in her palm with great interest, and her eyes were stained with excitement: "If I didn't feel the strong smell of medicine on it, I wouldn't believe it!"

"You, do you have such a thing as spiritual water?"


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue raised her eyebrows!Then said lightly: "I'll leave first, you wait!"

Saying that, Yun Feiyue's figure completely disappeared in front of Bright Beast's eyes... Seeing this sudden situation, Bright Beast felt his heart tense, can this little woman be normal!

Sighing leisurely, although there are endless doubts and countless doubts in his heart, he can only wait quietly in the end!
"Hey, is this the ice fox?"

Stepping into the bracelet space, this made Xiaotian and Xiaozi rush over quickly. They both looked at the crystal clear thing in Yun Feiyue's palm with twinkling lights, and couldn't help but see Xiaotian slowly say: "Mother, this thing seems to have been a treasure in space!"

Feelings are originally your own?
"Xiaotian, is it true?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled faintly: "But I heard that there are five, so this is only one!"

"Mother, who told you?"

Xiaotian was obviously displeased, and raised his brows slightly: "Hmph, this guy must be an amateur, I existed ten thousand years ago, this thing has always belonged to Xiaotian!"

I saw Xiaotian walking over!

The pink little hand took the ice fox over, and said with a soft smile: "This is the mother of the ice fox, it will be good if I find the male one later!" Mai stepped forward with pink feet, and he immediately Climbing up to the second floor without stopping, Yun Feiyue naturally didn't dare to relax!
A group of people followed Xiaotian and walked upstairs~
"Mother, the third floor is about to open!"

Xiaotian blinked, with a hint of trepidation: "This ice fox has three floors!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Yun Feiyue felt the ground tremble, and the whole space seemed to tremble, which made her heart excited, and saw that the whole space was like a big axe, viciously Split the chaotic time on the top~
Gradually, the mountains and rivers became quiet!

Birds and flowers!

The whole world woke up, and climbed up the cloud ladder step by step, Yun Feiyue was excited: "My God, this spiritual water and black water have formed a yin and yang eight poles!"

(End of this chapter)

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