Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1012 Chapter 1031: What the hell is that dream!

Chapter 1012 Chapter 1031: What the hell is that dream!
"Okay, if you like it, why don't you try it, okay?"

A deep smile was raised, Anan decided to abandon all these unpleasant things, he wanted to do it all over again with her!
Seeing her holding up her skirt, bare feet, bouncing and rushing towards the Rainbow Bridge, her voice resounded like a silver bell in the air, and it even touched the strings in his heart!
for her!
He is willing to give up his afterlife afterlife!

for her!
He is also willing to do anything wrong!
I just hope that I can get her to look back and smile, in exchange for her brief tenderness~
As time slowly passed, Jun Qianhuang sat motionless like a puppet. The ice and snow fell on him, but he didn't feel it at all, and his hair was dyed with a layer of white snowflakes!

A lonely figure!
Dim back!
All this made the hearts of Long Yan and his party ache!

"It's not going to work like this!"

Take a deep breath!

Long Yan's heart was full of worry: "It's been ten days, even if the king doesn't need to eat, drink and scatter, but he is a human being after all, it's hard for him to stand such a torment!"

"is not that right!"

How could Ling Long not be worried in his heart?

She clenched her fists tightly: "Girl Feiyue doesn't know what's going on. If something happens to this brother-in-law, I don't need to go back to the Shameyi clan later. I'll be beaten to death!"

"Your Majesty! Don't forget the realm of gods and demons!"

"Isn't it? People in the realm of gods and demons are still waiting for you!"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang didn't raise her head, but said indifferently: "Without her, what's the point of all this? You go first, I'll wait for her here!"


"Okay, Long Yan, Chu Nan and the others are responsible for matters in the Shensha domain, so there is no need to worry!"

Shaking his head, he didn't have the slightest thought at the moment: "Leave first!" The tone of his voice was very indifferent, with a strong sense of alienation!
In a world without Xiaoyue'er, everything is unimportant, maybe... it should be said why he worked so hard?
Xiaoyue'er, do you remember that there is a man waiting for you here?
Xiaoyue'er, don't forget your identity, you, Yun Feiyue, are Jun Qianhuang's lifelong wife, and she has been waiting for her all her life!
Raising his face, looking at the full moon in the sky, Jun Qianhuang showed a faint smile, as if seeing Yun Feiyue's gentle smile, which made his heart quiet a lot again!
Xiaoyue'er, I'll wait for you!
It doesn't matter if the sky is old and the earth is old, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten!
"Ah! Phoenix!"

I don't know how many times, a crimson figure appeared in her dream. She couldn't see the front of the figure, but she clearly felt that he was wearing that gentle smile, as if he was waiting for her, waiting for her to go back...

Suddenly sat up from the bed!

Sweat dripping from my forehead!

Who is this man, and why does he always appear in his dreams!
Why Zhong made her heart tremble fiercely, in severe pain, she stretched out her hand and tightly clutched her chest, in her dream she couldn't see his face, but she understood his thoughts very well!

It even made her heart tingle faintly!
"Little green!"

An didn't know when he had arrived in the room, squatted beside her, gently stroked her little hand with one hand, and patted her back with the other, comforting her softly: "What's wrong, are you dreaming?"

The tone is very gentle!
This gradually calmed down the restlessness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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