Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1020 Chapter 1039: What did you see?

Chapter 1020 Chapter 1039: What did you see?

"Well, it's okay, of course I won't die, and I can't die!"

Feel the pain in Yun Feiyue's heart!
Jun Qianhuang raised a gentle smile, slowly lifted her chin with her slender fingers, her eyes quietly stared at that delicate beauty, and her thumb gently brushed her pale little mouth!

But the bottom of my heart is full of happiness: "It's okay, it's okay! Of course I can't die, I said, even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, I will wait for you!"


She won't come out for a day!

He dare not even die!

Feel Jun Qianhuang's trembling!
Her eyes were fixed on his eyes, and her heart ached completely at this moment. She involuntarily hooked her hands around his neck, and slowly moved towards his ear with her hands on her toes: "So , you have to wait for me, I will never forget you, will I not!"

The tone is very gentle!
With a sense of playfulness, but also with a sense of happiness!
The little mouth slowly approached his thin lips like this, and slowly pressed it...

Suddenly, like a hundred flowers blooming...

The whole person exploded like a flower!
The two hearts are so tightly attached to each other, feeling each other's heart, feeling each other's deep affection!


Looking up at the boundless ice field, Yun Feiyue blinked and showed a frightened smile: "Do you know that this place used to be a place where hundreds of flowers bloomed, tsk tsk, I don't know why it suddenly changed. Such a barren place!"

I have to say, this made Yun Feiyue's heart full of curiosity!
"Who knows!"

Looking up, Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "Since the death of the goddess of life, the whole area has lost its vitality, and naturally it will wither away, but I'm afraid I can't explain how this ice field came about!"

"Huang, I have an ice fox! It depends on our luck!"

Squinting slightly!
His eyes were filled with determination!
But, is the ice fox really in this place?
But why didn't the ice fox in his own space respond?
Also, what exactly are the people from the upper realm looking for, and what rules are they trying to break?
Faintly, she felt that she was very close to these truths, but also seemed very far away. This feeling made her heart faintly uneasy!
"Don't worry, let's take it together!"

Gently wrapping her fingers around her waist, Jun Qianhuang's thoughts drifted away!

He knows that there are so many irresistible factors!

So many incomprehensible reasons!

At this moment, there is an indescribable fear in his heart, so...he must stand on the highest peak of this world!

"Hey, do you see something moving over there?"

Looking at the past, Yun Feiyue only felt a faint feeling in her heart, and frowned slightly: "Why don't you go and have a look!"

"See what?"

"Hey, the breath of the people over there seems to be different!"

"Tsk tsk, you are smart!"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's delicate appearance, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but smile slightly in her heart, stretched out her hand and gently embraced her into her arms, and said softly: "Let's go, go and see It's good to see!"

Probably because I almost lost it!
Although Jun Qianhuang still didn't block Yun Feiyue's affairs, but in the end she was worried, and she almost became inseparable!

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but chuckled, holding his big hand, her heart felt even warmer: "The aura of these people doesn't seem to be from the Longxuan Continent, although they are trying their best to endure it!"

"En!" Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang stopped in her tracks, with faint worry in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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