Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1025 Chapter 1044: Unconvinced, come on!

Chapter 1025 Chapter 1044: Unconvinced, fight back!
That terrifying breath made Zhong Tian and his little head tremble!
Too late to think so much!
Vigorously supporting his feather energy, he erected a thick barrier in an instant, and saw that terrifying aura slammed down hard~
'bang bang bang'

'bang bang bang'

Several loud bangs in succession made everyone feel the whole ground trembling violently~
Immediately, the expressions of these people from the upper realm changed abruptly!
The old man's face was filled with anger, and he saw that the barrier supported by Zhong Tianhe was incomplete at the moment, and when Jun Qianhuang's fingers fell slowly, he saw that the barrier was completely cracked~
Zhong Tianhe's figure stepped back a few steps!

Eyes wide open!

His face was pale!
Fingers on chest!

Her lips were tightly pursed, but her cheeks were slightly puffed out, as if full of reluctance and disbelief!

"Ants dare to compete with me for glory? How ridiculous!"

There was a cold light in the long and narrow eyes, a strand of black hair hung down on his forehead, and his thin lips curled up in a disdainful arc: "Remember, don't take chicken feathers seriously, your lack of ability is your lack of ability. !"

The tone is very soft!
But with that terrifying aura, Zhong Tianhe felt faintly uneasy in his heart...

I saw that he seemed to have reached the limit of forbearance, and a mouthful of blood spewed out like this, dyeing the corners of his mouth, chin, and skirts red!


He clutched his chest tightly, but he clearly felt a strange trembling!

There is an indescribable fear in my heart!
After all, what kind of ghost is the man in front of him!

"Presumptuous, simply presumptuous!"

Seeing Zhong Tianhe like that, the elder's face became paler, with faint anger, he widened his eyes, and quickly stuffed a pill into his mouth, then stared at Jun Qian phoenix!
There was strong anger in the tone: "You are a person from the lower realm, how dare you act wild in front of this old man!"

"Hiss~ People also hit me, if you are not convinced, hit me back!"

Shrugging, Jun Qianhuang had a smile on her face, and looked at the elder with a cold look in her eyes: "However, are you sure you dare to call back? If I remember correctly, the matter of the interface is not simple. It’s really no problem for you to come down so aboveboard, huh?”

pointing in a certain direction~
It's just the direction of his finger... The old man's expression changed suddenly!
There is a strong fear in the pupils!
"You said that if I let someone bomb this place, I don't know what the consequences will be?" The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and his voice was like a ghost~ This made Zhong Tianhe's heart even more excited!
God damn it!
What the hell did I mess with!
Also, why does he know this direction!

What does this mean?
"Okay, the old man will be waiting for you in the Western Wilderness, I hope you will still be so arrogant at that time!"

The old man, Zhong Tianlan's eyes were even more dangerously gloomy: "At that time, the old man will tell you what the consequences of arrogance are!" With a heavy snort, the old man gave Zhong Tianhe a dissatisfied look!

Only then did he leave with his own speed...

Watching them leave, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but... her eyes became more and more puzzled, and she slightly raised her head to look at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, with a thousand words in his heart... …

I have thousands of questions~
(End of this chapter)

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