Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1044 Chapter 1064: A thunderbolt will kill you!

Chapter 1044 Chapter 1064 : A thunderbolt will kill you!

Look at the deep disdain in Chu Xiao's eyes!
This made the man behind the frail boy a little bit angry, but before he could continue to say anything, the frail boy's eyes were stained with anger, and he looked at the man slightly!

This made the man close his eyes fast~
"Young master, we don't even know who you are, nor what power you have!"

Coughed twice gently!

Obviously, the status of this weak young man is not bad!
I saw that he didn't panic at all, and said slowly: "We are members of the You family in the city of Blackwater, and I am the grandson of the You family, You Yiwen!" A slight smile appeared in You Yiwen's eyes: "The one who disappeared just now He is my nephew, now that his parents are gone, as his uncle, he will naturally be brought back!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue just felt that the whole person was not well!
I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people!

Well, you could say she's preconceived!

However, she didn't know why she just believed Wen Rui's words, not to mention that although You Yiwen looked gentle and gentle, the gloomy look in his eyes was very obvious. How dark is such a man's heart?

And the man behind him is obviously very irritable and very difficult to get along with!
"Yo, this boy of emotion is chased by you and jumped into the sea, or is he blind?"

Yun Feiyue chuckled lightly, and her crooked eyes were stained with a bit of disdain: "But I'm curious, how do you explain that you dropped the child on the bottom of the sea?"


"Also, this area obviously doesn't belong to the city of Blackwater, it should belong to the area of ​​our gods and demons!"

Her pale fingers raised a strand of black hair in front of her body, and there was a playful smile at the corner of her mouth: "Would you like to tell me why you fell here, eh?"


Hear it!

You Yiwen's complexion is not so good!
"Girl, don't go too far!" He lowered his voice, and said slowly, "Little nephew Wen Rui just fell for fun!"


"Yes, please return the little nephew to us!"

"Give it back to you?"

Tilting her head, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "It can be considered~"


At this moment, Xiao Zi rushed over fiercely, with a look of disbelief on her face: "No, don't give Brother Rui Er to them!" With her hands on her hips, she stared fiercely at the people on that boat!
There is a trace of obvious anger in the eyes!

"Hey, it's really shameless to bully a child. If it's okay, I'll kill you with a thunderbolt!"



Hearing this, the people over there were stunned!

A thunder?
Puchi!Does this little milk baby really think of himself as who he is!
Can't help but burst out laughing...

"Hahahaha, this baby is really funny, I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"I see young master, if these people don't know good and bad, they will just destroy them, why bother to reason with them!"

"Tsk tsk, I want them to know that our You family is amazing!"

"You Family!"

Hear it!

Xiao Zi's anger has been completely provoked, and there is a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, she looks a bit like Jun Qianhuang!

The soft voice also carried a trace of indescribable majesty: "What is the You family, who still wants my brother Rui'er, dreaming!"

"Xiao Zi~"

Wen Rui watched Xiao Zi protect herself so much!

His heart warmed a little, he walked over gently, and took Xiao Zi's hand: "Don't do this, you just want me, I... I shouldn't~" Pursing his lips, he seemed to have made a major decision.

(End of this chapter)

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