Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1054 Chapter 1074: Worries in the bottom of my heart

Chapter 1054 Chapter 1074: Worries in the bottom of my heart

1074 chapter


Shaking his head, Wen Rui's eyes were full of curiosity: "I don't know either!"
At the same time, Yun Feiyue's eyes were gradually stained with a trace of deep pain, she clenched her fists tightly, grabbed the quilt, tried her best to stabilize her emotions, she knew that she was not fighting alone at this moment !
she knows!
At this moment, Jun Qianhuang is facing even greater danger!
"Huang~" raised her head vigorously!
But watching the wild wind dancing outside, set off waves of monstrous waves, with a black aura, as if to swallow Jun Qianhuang flying in mid-air!

This made her heart ache!
If he hadn't been so unbearable, why would he waste his time here?

Tears fall involuntarily, but these are tears of happiness and tears of worry~
"Mother, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, how about Xiao Zi go to help?"

Blinking, Xiao Zi looked at the situation in front of her seriously: "Maybe I can..."

"Xiao Zi, it's okay!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue's lips began to turn pale: "What you have to do now is to obey his arrangement, you understand!" Every word is very difficult to say!

The sweat on the forehead has already wet the whole sheet~
He bit his lips tightly with his teeth, faintly emitting red bloodstains~
This made Xiao Zi and Wen Rui's eyes even more worried!

"Hmph, then I want to see how terrifying the gods in the lore domain are!" The endless seabed made a hoarse voice, like the painful voice made by fingernails scratching metal: "Hahahaha, hahahaha~ Bianhua is a good thing!"

The tone is full of endless greed!
It seems that as long as he swallows Yun Feiyue, he can gain great power!

The other side of the flower!
The other side of the flower!
It really is the other shore flower!

What is it about this thing that makes people miss it so much? There is a faint uneasiness in my heart. I vaguely remember that after the Dark God left, he passed on all his remaining skills to him, so that he had feather energy!

However, at the same time, the God of Darkness also said that if he wanted to protect Yun Feiyue well, then he was not strong enough!

What kind of terrifying thing is in Yun Feiyue's body!

"Oh, it depends on your ability!" The thin lips raised slightly, and the killing intent completely emerged from his body, and the endless feather energy flowed from his body. They rushed from all directions and gathered in the palm of his hand!

With that vigorous force, it began to surge in Jun Qianhuang's body!
Immediately, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the shocking waves of the whole sea were crashing with 'Boom Boom Boom', and there were bursts of terrifying tones, and the center of the whirling lair also began to condense a black aura, and began to confront Jun Qianhuang!
Bang bang bang!
All kinds of tones were mixed together, and the trembling of the entire sea became more and more severe!

Jun Qianhuang raised her hand casually, intertwined a piece of milky white feather energy, wrapped the hull of the ship, forming a thick protective circle~

At this moment, Xiao Zi couldn't help screaming!
Immediately, Wen Rui's eyes were also stained with a bit of worry, only to see that the other side flower on Yun Feiyue's shoulder began to gradually become more three-dimensional, and seemed to be about to leave her body~ This made Wen Rui's heart ruthless The pain started.

"Auntie, you can't have an accident, you can't!"

The small fist was tightly clenched, and he gritted his teeth slightly, and said fiercely: "It will be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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