Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1062 Chapter 1082: The eldest son's fan

Chapter 1062 Chapter 1082: The eldest son's fan
"not good!"

Immediately, Yun Feiyue's eyes darkened, her whole body trembled slightly, and she bit her lip slightly: "There seems to be the breath of my brother over there!"

With that loud bang!
The entire sea floor seemed to tremble!

This made Yun Feiyue feel unspeakable worries in her heart!

"it is good!"

at the same time!

Jun Qianhuang's heart was also faintly worried, holding her little hand, she didn't care too much, and rushed towards the direction of the source of the sound!
From a distance, I saw a thick cloud of dust rising up, as if somewhere had collapsed!

"God, are the two of them taking pills inside?"


The two saw that small hole at the same time!

The whole heart trembled completely!
"Hey sister, king, why are you here!"

At this moment, I saw a gray-faced figure walking over at a high speed, with a deep sense of astonishment and confusion: "Why are you here at this time?" He stretched out his hand and patted the dust on his body!
Looking at the situation in front of him with a puzzled look on his face!
Hear this!

Seeing his figure, Yun Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief!

"King, Scarlet Moon!"

I saw Mu Jin behind Ling Long walking over slowly with a bit of shyness, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's all my fault, staying too long will make you worry!"

Well, he's no fool either!
Seeing the hurried appearance of the two, I think it's because I stayed for too long!

"It's fine, it's fine!" Patting her chest, Yun Feiyue finally let go of her thoughts: "Mujin, you seem to be recovering well!"

Take it easy!
Only then did Yun Feiyue realize that Mu Jin's aura was different!

Immediately, the whole person couldn't help but became a little excited: "Tsk tsk, it seems that this time it was a success!"


Hearing this, Mu Jin couldn't help being excited: "I didn't expect that I, Mu Jin, can continue to practice!" She slightly bent her eyes and raised a happy smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Wait for me to practice hard, maybe one day the Eldest Young Master will be able to accept me alive!"

Big...Eldest Young Master~Second Young Master...

Well, it's her senior brother!

It's a pity, Second Senior Brother, he doesn't seem to have seen it before!
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's heart brightened instantly, and there was a smug smile on the corner of her mouth: "Wouldn't you think that Mu Jin is also a fan of the first and second sons?"

"Fan? What is this..."

"Hmm~ It means that I never thought you would worship the Eldest Young Master!"

"Oh that's it!" Nodding, Mu Jin's eyes shone with excitement: "People from the Nanshan lineage have unique feelings for the eldest son, but the second son seems to be more suitable for me!"



"Don't laugh at me!"

Looking at the smile on Yun Feiyue's face, Mu Jin couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed: "But I will work hard, so they can accept me!" Clenching his fists tightly, his heart was full of joy. Hard work and excitement!
"Do you want to follow the eldest son or the second son?"

"Is there still a choice?" Hearing this, Mu Jin couldn't help but chuckle: "For me, as long as I follow one, it's a great honor for me!"

"Actually, I think you can go to the eldest son first and see what the eldest son says!"


Senior brother, she is still sure!

After all, the second senior brother didn't meet, it seems... a bit shy: "You can find a way to give this to the eldest son later, just say what Yun Feiyue said, and let him see if your qualifications are suitable for him! "

(End of this chapter)

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