Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1065 Chapter 1085: You were the one who hit, how?

Chapter 1065 Chapter 1085: You were the one who hit, how?

"Can't you understand?"

Seeing that Cheng Lirou didn't take herself seriously, Cheng Litong's anger burned in her heart: "Don't forget, we are the eldest, and you will always be able to live under my feet!"

The tone is slightly lowered!
The cluster of anger in the eyes is so obvious!

Damn Cheng Lirou!

Who gave her the courage to defy herself so much!
damn it!
damn it! !

If it wasn't for her mother being too powerful, she... how could she have agreed to take this vixen to the palace?
If you don't take her to see the king and concubine, then you should be so close to the king and concubine now, maybe... maybe you can see the king, so...you have a chance, don't you?

The more I think about it!

The bottom of her heart couldn't be more peaceful!

That smear of hatred is getting stronger and stronger!
"Sister, sister never wanted to step on you, and your words are no worse than this. Your paths are not together in the first place, so why force it!"


For the crazy person in front of him!
Cheng Lirou was displeased from the bottom of her heart: "I'm going to enter the palace, the empress has already returned, and now she summons me to enter the palace, please don't block the way!"

"Ah! You... you little bitch!"

Hear this!

Cheng Litong's heart was full of anger, and her eyes were full of bloodthirsty!

She raised her palm violently, and slapped Cheng Lirou fiercely on Cheng Lirou's face... Feeling that strong breath!

Cheng Lirou's heart skipped a beat!

Is this to kill?

Seeing that this slap is about to fall!
The maidservants were even more petrified!

"Eldest miss, you can't do this, the second miss is also our second wife's daughter-in-law, how can she be bullied like this!" Cheng Lirou's maid was anxious, rushed out, and stood in front of her!

"Presumptuous, a little bitch dares to block me!"

look like this!
Cheng Litong was even angrier!

'Papa' two slaps fell on the girl's body fiercely!
Suddenly, thick blood gushed from the corner of his mouth...

"Cheng Litong, have you made a fuss enough?"

Seeing that the third slap is about to fall again!

I saw Cheng Lirou took a step forward, holding her palm fiercely, with a cold pretty face, with a trace of coldness: "Although you are the first daughter of the eldest family, don't forget that Dongyang is mine, It's the second bedroom, so it's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

Use your fingers slightly!
Suddenly, Cheng Litong realized that she couldn't break free from her grip!

This made her even more angry!
The corners of the mouth were slightly pursed, and the trace of anger became more and more intense: "Tsk tsk, bitch..."

A few crisp tones of '啪啪啪' suddenly sounded in the air!

This made some people completely confused!
This... the second lady actually hit the eldest lady!

Hiss~ The atmosphere in the air is getting a little weird!

Cheng Litong was completely dumbfounded!
"Remember, you and I were originally born of the same root. If I were a slut, what would you be? As the first wife's daughter-in-law, she beat up the second wife's maid angrily and humiliated her younger sister. Hmph! I want to see how you feel Go talk to grandpa!"


Throwing Cheng Litong's body away: "Remember, if there is another time, I don't mind telling you directly what is allowed and what is not allowed!"

turn around~
I don't bother to argue with the lunatic in front of me anymore!

Someone helped Dongyang down, and then he strode outside...

(End of this chapter)

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