Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1070 Chapter 1090: Hmph, see how I kill you

Chapter 1070 Chapter 1090: Hmph, see how I kill you

The slender fingers brushed the chessboard lightly, and a gleam of light flashed in Cheng Lirou's eyes: "The chessboard of Junwangfei is really different, it's really hard to put it down!" Holding a sunspot casually, a trace of light flashed in her eyes. Excited: "Why don't I be obsessed with Hei Zi?"

"It's okay!"

Yun Feiyue saw Cheng Lirou's liking!
However, this woman also has some determination. Although she likes the chessboard, she has no intention of possessing it!
Naturally, Yun Feiyuegao took a few glances: "I can see that you like this chessboard, so how about it, if you prove your ability, this chessboard will belong to you from now on, how about it?"

Hearing this, she couldn't help but gasp!

There was a flash of excitement in the eyes, but it quickly returned to calm. The things are good, but they don't belong to me after all, and they are so precious!
I saw Cheng Lirou shook her head slightly, and sighed softly: "Thank you, Princess Jun, for letting go, but this thing is too precious!"

"It doesn't matter, things are dead, but people are alive!"

The two sat down opposite each other, pointed at the chess pieces, and fell into a calm... Hearing Yun Feiyue's words!

Cheng Lirou is not hypocritical anymore!

The astonishing king and concubine are sincere, so why should she be too hypocritical: "Then, the minister will definitely do her best!"

After finishing speaking, the two just showed a knowing smile, and neither of them continued to say anything more. There was a faint smile in their eyes, and they concentrated on looking at the chess pieces in Zhi Zhi's hands~~
"Girl, sit down for a while, I'll follow you soon, how about it?"

Hearing that the palace maid said that the emperor and concubine invited her to the palace, she felt a little nervous in her heart, so she said that she had put a lot of effort into the emperor and concubine!

Could it really make the king and concubine forget herself?

But thinking of entering the palace and seeing the king very likely, my heart couldn't help beating violently, and my face was rosy, but...

damn it!
My face was swollen by that bitch!

Thinking of this, Cheng Litong felt unspeakable anger in his heart, wishing he could come out and kill Cheng Lirou immediately!
But thinking about it, isn't Cheng Lirou entering the palace now?
Why did you suddenly call yourself?
Could it be... Could it be that she offended the king and concubine?

Thinking about it, her heart became a little excited, the light in her eyes was so obvious, she couldn't help being a little excited: "This sister, sister Lirou is also in the palace at the moment, now... "

"Miss Cheng, please hurry up, the princess is not waiting for you every day, is she?"

Seeing her like this, the palace maid became more and more disdainful in her heart, and her tone of voice was also a little urgent!
It's a pity that someone has fallen into his own little thoughts!

I took it for granted that I was right!
Cheng Lirou is going to be in trouble!
"Yes, yes, yes!" The tone of the voice was also a little lighter, and the maid quickly took out a high-quality purse from her arms and handed it to the maid, and then returned to the room quickly!

"Miss, what should I do?"

Seeing the red marks on her fair and tender face, the maid beside her was also a little anxious!
I had to say: "Why don't you apply more blush?"

"Hurry up, let the princess wait in a hurry, and see if I twist your heads!" Looking at her red and swollen face in the mirror, this made her even more annoyed!
Damn it!
If I don't kill this little slut Cheng Lirou later on, I really won't be reconciled!

(End of this chapter)

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