Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1072 Chapter 1092 : If I let you die, I won't be able to live!

Chapter 1072 Chapter 1092 : If I let you die, I won't be able to live!

"Jun... Wangfei... I... I..."

Looking at the still gentle Yun Feiyue in front of her eyes!

But Cheng Litong had an indescribable fear in her heart, her whole heart trembled slightly, and she subconsciously stepped back a few steps... with a little trembling: "Concubine Jun, I just...just now is not what it means!"


Yun Feiyue's voice is still gentle!

Just listening carefully, it's not difficult to find the angry face on her face, she raised her eyes slightly and said with a half-smile: "Tsk tsk, didn't you say it very vigorously just now? Don't you think my concubine doesn't know what to do?"



This made Cheng Litong a little embarrassed!
"The concubine is not like this!" Taking a deep breath, she also felt a little worried in her heart, and quickly said: "It's not like this, listen to the minister's explanation!"

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Oh, then I want to hear your explanation!"

"Concubine Jun Wang..." After hearing this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's not like this, it's all that Xiuju said, every sentence is to frame the concubine Monarch!"

"What did Xiuju say?"


"It's nothing more than asking you to be self-aware and not to think of ways to seduce the king. Why is this concubine still wrong?"

The eyes are slightly raised!
With deep disdain, she said slowly: "It's good to have a backstage, but if you think so, this concubine will be afraid. Cheng Litong, I might as well tell you that you are not qualified!"



"Concubine Jun, you...how could you be like this..."

"Why not??"

"The king belongs to all of us, not to you alone!"

"Yes, the king belongs to everyone, but Jun Qianhuang is only my husband, Yun Feiyue, and other women don't want to touch her!"

Yun Feiyue's tone was a little cold again!
The corner of the mouth slightly raised a shallow arc: "If you think your identity is better than mine, then try it, how about it?"

A mere little Cheng family!

I still want to compare with her!
Nima, you are simply too arrogant!
"My concubine might as well tell you the truth, if you dare to make this concubine unhappy, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

These words completely shocked everyone!
Even Cheng Lirou who was standing not far away was surprised!

I have seen all kinds of Yun Feiyue, but I have never seen such an arrogant appearance. It seems that the king's love for the king and concubine is not ordinary!

"Nonsense, you... you just took the king's love for you, are you so arrogant!"

These words completely ignited the nameless anger in Cheng Litong's heart!
There is a strong jealousy in the eyes!
Take a deep breath!

Grit your teeth tightly!

No, it can't be like this, it can't be like this, she is always a king in her heart, how can she give up so easily after so many years?

"I'm not timid. This concubine is relying on the king's favor, so what? Cheng Litong, what are you relying on to get so close to this concubine!"

Take a big step!
Spreading her five fingers, she held her skirt tightly like this, with a bloodthirsty gleam in her eyes: "Would you like to try it, this concubine is here for you, how will your family react? Hmm ?”

A loud bang!
Looking at the bloodthirsty Yun Feiyue in front of her, Cheng Litong was stunned... Cheng Lirou's eyes were also stained with a complicated light...

(End of this chapter)

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