Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1077 Chapter 1098: Spirit Girl

Chapter 1077 Chapter 1098: Spirit Girl
Hearing the sound, Yun Feiyue looked over again, and said indifferently: "Let's also go over and have a look, what's going on?"

Frowning, I felt a strong strange feeling in my heart, as if a voice was calling me!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue didn't resist, she just took Xiao Jiu with one hand, and walked out slowly with Xiao Luan like this!

Breathing the air outside, Yun Feiyue only felt that her whole body felt a lot more comfortable, and her smile became a lot more innocent!

"Fei Yue, it seems that you are very happy? Why?"

"Is there?" Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "It's nothing, let's go, something seems to be happening ahead?"

Frowning, he looked forward, and saw a pile of people. Although it is a bit too much to describe it as a sea of ​​people, it is almost the same in the end!

Naturally, this made Yun Feiyue's heart full of curiosity: "Why don't you go and have a look? How about it?"

"Okay, be careful later!" Xiaoluan nodded slightly!
As a man, he naturally became the one who opened the way without hesitation!

Xiao Jiu let Yun Feiyue pull her, she was very cute.

"Hey, do you think this spiritual girl will come? If she doesn't come, wouldn't it be a waste of time to wait?"

"No, the spirit girl comes every year at this time, don't worry, there will be salvation!"

"That's right, she saved the people around us! She saves people everywhere every year, how could she not come?"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, which probably made Yun Feiyue and the others understand.

I'm a little curious in my heart!
"Hey, how does this spirit girl charge?" Xiaoluan blinked, feeling a little curious!

A spiritual girl is a girl who can heal simple patients, but she is not as capable as a pharmacist who can refine elixirs!
It can't be compared with the Healer of the Healing Department!
But because the spirit girl can heal patients after all, and the spirit girl is also very rare, and the price is relatively cheaper, so naturally many people like it!

Xiaoluan's words aroused public outrage!
Looking at the red-eyed and deeply envious faces in the crowd, Xiaoluan just felt uncomfortable all over!

Subconsciously took a few steps back, but I was a little confused in my heart!
Nima, I don't know what's wrong with me at all!
Embarrassedly waved his hand: "It's also the first time we pass by here, so offend me, please let me go!"

Looking at the wolf-like mercenaries in front of her, Xiao Luan was even more curious!
What is so special about this spiritual girl?Make everyone so supportive?

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue and Xiao Jiu looked at each other and thought for a while!

After all, this is my own territory, if there are such talents, it seems that it should be well protected!

At the same time, after Xiaoluan repeatedly apologized, these mercenaries became a little calmer, but the disdain in their eyes became a little bit more obvious!

"Hmph! The spiritual girl is the goddess in our hearts, don't humiliate her personality!! Everyone attacks you for free!"

"Over the years, the spiritual girl has always given us free treatment nearby. Do you think it's easy for her?"

"That's it!"

"Huh? For free?" Yun Feiyue couldn't calm down anymore!

What does it mean for free?
Where does the herb for the spirit girl come from?

How does the spiritual girl maintain her life?

One question after another came one after another, always making Yun Feiyue feel very unusual, but it's not good to say anything at this time!
I can only pretend to be naive: "That spiritual girl will be very difficult! We have to help her!"

(End of this chapter)

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