Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1081 Chapter 1102: Terrible, is this going to be swollen?

Chapter 1081 Chapter 1102: Terrible, is this going to be swollen?

Seeing this, although Ling Nu felt a little displeased in her heart, she didn't say much after all, but her face darkened a little!

Yun Feiyue and Xiaoluan were completely dumbfounded!

Ah, mother!

Where is this going to get her a sick uncle?

Still conform to the timid look?I couldn't help but want to reach out and look at the top of my head.

"Mother, what do you say?"

"Yes, what Xiao Jiu said is true!"

Hear it!

Yun Feiyue just felt that she was powerless!
Okay, nodded: "Let's talk to uncle later, so that uncle won't be unhappy, okay?"

"Okay, mother is the best!"



These words made Ling Nu feel a little displeased in her heart, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only smile awkwardly!

I reckon that I must be cursing from the bottom of my heart at this moment!

How can you say that she is still a big girl with yellow flowers, and she really shouldn't be called auntie, but it's obvious that Xiao Jiu did it on purpose, so Yun Feiyue naturally didn't stop her, she just looked at the spiritual girl in front of her apologetically: "It's really I'm sorry, the child has been spoiled by her father, and I really can't make her change her mind right now!"

Yun Feiyue's face was full of apology, but there was a faint smile in her heart!
This Xiaojiu's ability to intentionally frame people is getting stronger and stronger, it has to be said that she is a cheating existence!
"It's okay, it's okay." He waved his hands again and again, expressing that he didn't care, but God knows how much annoyance is in her heart at this moment, she can't wait to tear Xiaojiu's pink face, just now she thought this little girl was cute!

Why do you want someone to strangle you as soon as you open your mouth?

However, although I was annoyed in my heart, I couldn't say anything directly, so I could only try my best to make myself smile a little bit.

Looking at the reluctant smile of Ling Nu, Yun Feiyue felt a little happy in her heart for some reason.

I couldn't help but said softly: "Then, I'll take the child and her uncle to the inn first, and when I come back, I don't know where to look for the spirit girl?"



She admitted that if she continued, she would laugh!

Nima, you must not let yourself laugh at this time!
But she clearly felt that she couldn't bear it anymore!

"Don't worry, I've been here for the last month. If you need anything, you can come here to find me at any time. As long as you come here, you will know where I am!" Nodding his head, he also stood up slowly, and left quickly~
Looking at this back view, Yun Feiyue and his party almost burst out laughing!
"Ah, Feiyue, I'm also an uncle... Fortunately, it's not that damned timid uncle!"

Thinking of the word "uncle", Xiaoluan immediately felt that there was no love in her body!
This uncle...seems to be very difficult to be!

Xiao Jiu said arrogantly: "Then I don't want you as an uncle!" She rolled her eyes fiercely: "Mother, hurry up and find an uncle!"




Uncle can find it?
Rolling her eyes hard, Yun Feiyue felt that she was somewhat unlovable!
From the bottom of my heart, I started to look for this so-called uncle!
Especially at this moment, those beasts in Yunfeiyue's space couldn't help boiling up, Nima, they don't want to be the terrible uncle that this guy talks about~~
(End of this chapter)

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