Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1083 Chapter 1104: Don't bring it to death like this

Chapter 1083 Chapter 1104: Don't bring it to death like this

With a sweet smile, Xiao Zi walked to Yun Feiyue's side, stretched out her hand to hold her fingers, and blinked: "Mother, why bother, don't forget that there is someone beside you !"

Pursing her lips, she looked at Yun Feiyue very seriously...

"Xiao Zi..."

Xiao Zi's unhappy look immediately made Yun Feiyue chuckle, stretched out her hand to scratch her little nose, and said very seriously: "Very well, mother knows that she is wrong, then please invite our Rui'er Come out, I don’t know how Rui’er is doing?”


In fact, she also thought of Wen Rui!
But after all, Wen Rui is too young, not to mention... Wen Rui is just an ordinary person who has not yet mastered his abilities, and his physical condition is also slightly lacking.

Furthermore, Wen Rui has such a special identity!
Feather master of the healing department!

Will there be a conflict in ability, but let her see something?
Or should I say, will not fall into unnecessary danger?

When Wen Rui stood in front of Yun Feiyue!
Yun Feiyue took a deep breath, slowly held his hand, and said seriously: "You heard what I said just now, the danger is self-evident, if the woman really sees something... I'm afraid..." Speaking of this, Yun Feiyue still couldn't help but feel a deep sense of reluctance!

After all, Ruier is such a well-behaved child!

After all, Wen Rui is still burdened with such a dangerous thing!
Heart, of course, is slightly biased towards him!
Feel the kindness from Yun Feiyue!
I saw Wen Rui looked at Yun Feiyue seriously with a smile, and said slowly: "Auntie, don't think about it, Ruier's life is all given by you. Don't be afraid!"


Hear this!

There is a little anger on Yun Feiyue's face~
But without waiting for her to say anything, Wen Rui pouted and said softly, "Auntie, don't be angry, Ruier didn't mean to say that! The most important thing is that Ruier and you are a family. So... Ruier sincerely hopes to merge!"

These words completely made Yun Feiyue's heart ache a bit!
The slight anger just now completely disappeared: "You are always so lucky, how can I not feel sorry for you!"

Originally, Yun Feiyue was somewhat angry at his birthright, but now she felt more distressed.

"Auntie, don't worry, Rui'er will take good care of herself!"


"Auntie, think about it, I have a wounded body, so it's best to let her check it out, besides, I'm also a human being, and I came from the city of Blackwater, so there may be resistance to some things! "

Listen to Wen Rui's serious analysis word by word!

Look at his beautiful eyes full of seriousness!
Yun Feiyue's heart softened completely, she stretched out her hand and gently brought him into her arms, but she didn't know how to speak~ After a while, she said slowly: "Okay, I'll let you go, just Let you go, but...Rui'er, remember, you are the same as them, if it doesn't work, just withdraw, understand?"

"Yes, Ruier understands!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue let go!

Wen Rui's heart was finally a little lighter, and the excitement in his eyes was a little more...

The village is not very crowded on weekdays, but at this moment, there is a long queue consciously. All the people look at the busy figure in front of them seriously, and they are full of excitement in their hearts. The medicinal materials, as if he has taken the glory of the sky!
The mercenaries saw that the line was too long!

Simply sit up on the spot, chatting and chatting, drinking and drinking!
But there is no phenomenon of jumping in the queue, this harmony... Immediately, Yun Feiyue has a weird feeling in his heart!

It seems... these people are sent to die!
But, but... none of them felt the danger! ——
Dear, all articles are not counted in one chapter, so there is no need to compare whose chapter is longer, because the number of words counts in money, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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