Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1098 Chapter 1119: Unreasonable jealousy, terrible!

Chapter 1098 Chapter 1119: Unreasonable jealousy, terrible!
"Fei Yue, if it wasn't for you, I...why would I have flirted with this woman here!"

Holding a face!

Thinking of Liu Xue's enthusiasm, Xiaoluan just felt that something was wrong all over her body, wishing she could disappear before Liu Xue's eyes immediately!
But, he just couldn't clearly offend him!

Nima, the more I think about it, the more I feel wrong!
"Little Luan~"

Feeling the unhappiness in Xiaoluan's heart, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but chuckled lightly, but it wasn't too obvious: "Hey, after we settle this matter, you can do whatever you want, okay?"

Anyone who hooks up with someone from the City of Blackwater!
I'm afraid it's not that simple!
"By the way, these so-called bandits just now are also from the city of Blackwater!"

"In this way, maybe this spiritual girl sees you as not going well, who let you get in her way!" A Bai seemed to understand: "At least she thinks so, tsk tsk, Feiyue, are you sure you want to go with me?" She lived for a month? I'm afraid this day will be troublesome!"



Hearing this, Xiao Luan was in a bad mood!

"Okay!" At this moment, Liu Xue seemed to be showing off, and tied the gauze into a beautiful bow, then clapped her hands and raised a faint smile: "Madam, your wound has been bandaged See if it still hurts like this?"

Although the words were spoken to Yun Feiyue!
But this look fell on Xiaoluan!
Yun Feiyue restrained her emotions and did not continue to communicate with her partners in the space. She just looked at Liu Xue and moved her arms slightly: "Well, it's much better, thank you Ling Nu!"

"Xiao Luan, you too..."

"Well, you call her Madam? Call me Xiaoluan?"

Frowning, Xiaoluan was also faintly displeased: "It doesn't seem like this is good!"

"Ah I……"

"My name is Yue Yun, so he likes to call me Yue! Why don't you call me that too?" It can be seen that Xiaoluan wants to take the opportunity to open up the relationship!

However, Yun Feiyue would give up such a good opportunity right now!

"Hello, don't keep calling me Ling Nu, my name is Liu Xue!"

Yun Feiyue looks so familiar!

Liu Xue was a little bit taken aback, her face was slightly stunned, and then she smiled slightly: "Then, I will call you Miss Yun from now on!"



Seems wrong?
But Yun Feiyue didn't say anything, just shrugged slightly: "I'm not a girl anymore, if you can, you can call me Yue Yun directly!" It was obvious that Liu Xuena didn't want to be too familiar with her look!
Yun Feiyue doesn't care!
She is not rare!

If it wasn't for figuring out what this person was going to do!
After all, the people in Blackwater City are not necessarily simple!
"Okay, Yue Yun!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xue's heart was also filled with displeasure, but as long as she didn't call her madam, she could not calm down when she thought that Xiaoluan actually had a wife!


Chu Tian respectfully stood behind Jun Qianhuang, holding a milky white pigeon in both hands: "This is passed to you by the princess, do you want to see it?" There was a bit of caution in his voice, but also a hint of love. Be careful!

The princess is not here!
The king restored that cold and ruthless man!

Naturally, everyone was more cautious, but they couldn't help but miss the days when the king and concubine were here, at least the king's expression would be much richer!
(End of this chapter)

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