Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1100 Chapter 1121: Xiao Luan, she was not bullied!

Chapter 1100 Chapter 1121: Xiao Luan, she was not bullied!

"You, you'd better have a good rest, lest Xiaoluan think I'm bullying you!"

Hear Yun Feiyue's words!
Liu Xue was subconsciously displeased, she finally had the opportunity to get along with Xiao Luan, especially when digging medicine needed barren mountains and wild mountains, naturally no one could disturb her!
But, if Yun Feiyue is allowed to participate!

Naturally, there are a million unhappy people in her heart!
It's just that there is nothing wrong with his complexion, and his voice is gentle: "It's not too late to go when you're ready!"

"Is this... so good?"

Looking at Liu Xue's appearance, Yun Feiyue couldn't help laughing foolishly from the bottom of her heart, this woman's intentions are so obvious, tsk tsk, aren't you afraid of causing trouble?

of course!

Anyway, Xiao Luan is not her husband, so she won't be jealous at all!

Look at Yun Feiyue's embarrassed look!
Liu Xue said quickly: "That's right. Anyway, digging medicine is not a matter of a day or two. If you really want to help, you might as well sort out these medicinal materials first. It's not too tiring anyway. After your arm is healed, go It's not too late!"

Yun Feiyue looked at the medicinal herbs in the yard!
Basically everything is neat!

Nima, you obviously refuse to be a light bulb by yourself!
But the problem is, they don't know you well!

"Yue, you can continue to rest for two more days, and your arm is probably about the same!" Although Xiaoluan was very unwilling to be alone with Liu Xue in his heart, he didn't want Yun Feiyue's arm to feel uncomfortable after all!
Youyou sighed; "Anyway, when the matter is settled, I can see Ruier the doctor!"

"Okay!" Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue wasn't bothered!
The small days are also leisurely!

It was nothing more than watching them busy, while she had rested for an unknown number of days due to her arm injury. Although this Liu Xue had tampered with the medicine, she was not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Naturally, there are various pills to adjust!
So recovery is pretty quick!
This is also what made Liu Xue puzzled in her heart, she obviously used medicine on purpose to prevent her from recovering so quickly!

Another two or three days have passed!

Yun Feiyue's arm has completely healed, so Liu Xue has no reason to resist Yun Feiyue's joining!

Although I hate it to death in my heart!

But there was a slight smile on his face: "Yue Yun, the mountain road back is not easy, but be careful, you just need to carry this basket on your back!" Handed the small basket to Yun Feiyue!

After taking the basket, Yun Feiyue's eyes were also stained with a smile!

She is good at digging medicine, but she has never used a small basket!

They are all directly uprooted and thrown in their own space for breeding!
"Okay!" Nodding her head, her eyes were stained with excitement. She was wearing a plain jacket and changed the skirt into trousers: "Hey, I don't seem to be very used to wearing it like this!"


Since ancient times!

Basically dresses!
When I put on the pants for the first time, I suddenly felt uncomfortable!

"If you're not used to it, let's change the skirt!"

Xiaoluan said softly: "It doesn't matter, I'll protect you anyway!" Well, what he actually wanted to say is that you can wear anything with your ability~
"let's go!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue didn't change it back, she carried the small basket on her back, her eyes were a little interested: "I don't know what medicinal materials are around here?" His eyes sparkled, and the corners of his mouth were hooked. A faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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