Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1110 Chapter 1132: Want to plot against me?There is no door!

Chapter 1110 Chapter 1132: Want to plot against me?There is no door!
"Xiao Luan, this is for you!"


Liu Xue handed Lianxincao to Xiaoluan: "I think your cultivation level seems to be good. If you can use Lianxincao, it will make you go further. Although it is not a top-level herb, it is still good after all. !"

Blinking her eyes, she quietly stared at Xiaoluan!

Excitement and invitations are written all over her face!
Looking at this Lianxincao, Xiaoluan has always been contemptuous in his heart!

Nima, you must know that Yun Feiyue's Jiuqu Huntian bracelet contains a lot of pills, and this Lianxincao is a piece of wool!
Well, although I was extremely contemptuous in my heart, my eyes were tinged with excitement and gratitude!

After thinking about it for a while: "This doesn't seem very good, right?" Shaking his head, with a bit of seriousness: "You keep the things, it looks like the value is good, maybe it will give you a good harvest!"

Ah, Nima!

He didn't dare to accept the medicinal materials given by this black-hearted person!
"Don't worry, this is a medicinal material. Lianxincao is very mild and won't have any side effects!"

Seeing Xiaoluan's slightly worried gaze, Liu Xue felt a little displeased in her heart, and clearly felt that Xiaoluan's gaze fell on Yun Feiyue!


She turned her head to look at Yun Feiyue: "Yue Yun, don't worry, how could I cheat him!" Her voice was a little bit colder!

There is also a deep sense of unwillingness in my heart!
Get rid of her!
Get rid of her!
Such thoughts took root in Liu Xue's heart!
Let the hatred in her heart deepen a bit~
"Xiao Luan, I look at Liu Xue with good intentions, why don't you keep it, maybe it will be useful!" Yun Feiyue raised a slight smile, and turned her head to look at Xiao Luan~
Hear this!

Xiaoluan rolled her eyes, but didn't say much!
Nodding slightly, he took Lian Xincao: "That's thanks to Ling Nu!"



Another spiritual girl!

Hearing this, Liu Xue felt bitter in her heart!
After a while: "By the way, we won't go back tonight, there should be a lot of medicinal herbs here!" Speaking of medicinal herbs, her eyes lit up a little more!
It's just that the eyes looking at Yun Feiyue vaguely flashed calculations!
Seeing the calculation on her face, Yun Feiyue shrugged indifferently: "Xiao Luan, it's nothing to me, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Nodded: "Look back and find some monsters to hunt, and you can eat grilled monster meat at night!"

"Well, I see that there are a lot of mushrooms in the mountains, why don't we get some mushrooms to make soup at night!" Speaking of eating, Yun Feiyue's eyes also shone with excitement!

have to say!

Warcraft meat is more delicious than the poultry meat in the 21st century!
"Okay, okay!" At the same time, Liu Xue's eyes also brightened up: "How about I go dig mushrooms with Yue Yun, I think it will be more fragrant if I put some medicinal materials in it!"

"Okay, I'll trouble you to take care of that month, I'll go hunting monsters!"

"You go, I will take good care of Yue!"

Hear this!

Liu Xue's eyes were shining brightly, Yun Feiyue didn't ignore her fleeting calculation, which made Yun Feiyue feel a little nervous in her heart, it's hard to say who is scheming whom Woolen cloth!

"Little Luan, don't worry!"

Yun Feiyue simply took Liu Xue's arm, her face was full of excitement: "I will follow Liu Xue well and not let you worry!"

Nima, you want to plot against me?Then let's see who is more calculating!
(End of this chapter)

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