Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1119 Chapter 1141: Nima, this misunderstanding is too big

Chapter 1119 Chapter 1141: Nima, this misunderstanding is too big

"Feel sorry!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue snorted softly, and said slowly: "But in fact, he has already disappeared. For the sake of the entire Feng Clan, he has suffered enough pain, do you know? He has been alone for tens of thousands of years. Do you know the feeling of being alone waiting?"

It hurts at this moment!

For tens of thousands of years, he stayed alone in a closed space!

Just waiting for the opportunity to tell his descendants that he already has the things!
For tens of thousands of years, he used his incomplete soul!

Yes, crippled soul, such pain is more terrible than death!
"Did you know? When I saw him, he was no longer a living Feng Taizi, not even a broken soul, but just a broken obsession!"



Hearing this, Feng Yuling's heart throbbed fiercely!
This kind of pain is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Being alone for tens of thousands of years and disappearing... Maybe it is the best choice for him!

"Okay, I understand!"

Nodding his head, although he didn't want the Feng Clan to disintegrate like this, but... After all, Prince Feng sacrificed so much for the entire Feng Clan, he couldn't let Prince Feng go so unclearly!

Turning around, she took out a piece of jade from the space ring, and slowly handed it to Feng Yuling: "This is given to me by Crown Prince Feng, who said that he heard that the task was completed, but unfortunately...but he will never be able to get out of that place." Space, so there is no way to hand it over!"

Feng Yuling felt her whole body go stiff!

Looking at the quaint jade, feeling the aura it exudes... the whole person was stunned!

The Feng Clan, the ancient Feng Clan waited for this thing until it was destroyed. They originally thought that the Phoenix Crown Prince had missed it... but they didn't expect that the Feng Crown Prince was sealed by someone!

Now this thing went around and returned to the Phoenix Clan!

Completely excited at this moment!

Both hands... Slowly took the simple jade!
After a while: "You stay here, after three days, the king will personally thank you!"

Fingers trembling slightly!

There is a trace of indescribable excitement in the eyes, and there is also an indescribable excitement!
The Phoenix Clan...the Phoenix Clan!
The Feng Clan finally doesn't need to be destroyed, and can finally stand in this world openly and aboveboard!
"it is good!"

Although Yun Feiyue didn't know what he was going to do, she also felt Feng Yuling's excitement, and a smile was stained in her eyes: "Go and do your work, I don't care here!"

Well, at last Prince Feng's last wish was fulfilled, and her heart was completely relaxed at this moment!
"Okay, let Bi Yi take you for these three days, and you can enter any place in the Feng Clan at will!"



Suddenly Yun Feiyue was dumbfounded!

This kind of treatment can be said to be the supreme treatment!

Is this Feng Yuling stupid?

"Okay, this king is leaving, and I will thank you in three days!" Xie Mei's mouth curled into a faint smile, and Feng Yuling, the king of the Feng clan, slowly disappeared in front of Yun Feiyue...

Three days!

Well, except for the fact that the first day was really sleepy, I had a good day of rest!
At this moment, there is not a single person in Ruoda's territory of the Feng clan. Well, although the people of the Feng clan are not human...but they are alive after all!

Nima, she is the only one in such a big place, wouldn't she be suffocated to death?
Suddenly, Yun Feiyue felt that Feng Yuling did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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