Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1147 Chapter 1170 : Standing in the way of my young master's money?

Chapter 1147 Chapter 1170 : Standing in the way of my young master's money?

"You're so wordy, the young master gave the money, and if you lose money, it's my young master's business, what are you thinking about!" Looking at the pained look on his little servant's face!

The boy finally couldn't hold back his patience!

He simply stood up, hugged the stone and handed it to Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, help open the stone!"

Hiss~ Hearing this, everyone gasped again!

Just now Yun Feiyue chose the most expensive one!

The boy in front of him chose the second most expensive one!
Nima, is this still the world of the rich!
They are all here to send money!
Immediately, their hearts could not be calm at all, Nima, is this betting on stones or giving money!

"My lord, are you sure?" Xiao Er's eyes twitched slightly, well, these precious stones have been stored for many years!
But no one has ever cut it!

This time, he sold two. It seems that he was lucky, but he still reminded him!
"Buy, buy, buy! This young master is not short of this money!" Waving his hand, the young man had a look of displeasure on his face: "Could it be that this young master can't sell it for fun after spending money!"


Feelings are really not for gambling, but for spending money to find pleasure!

Even the corners of Yun Feiyue's mouth twitched slightly, and it took him a while to recover~
"Young master, please come and pay first, and then we will arrange the stone cutting!"

"Give the money!"

"Yes...Young Master!"

Looking at the valuable stone, the boy felt his heart beating and his hands trembling!
Well, it was very difficult to pay the money... Seeing my young master go to open the stone happily...

'Crack! ! '

'Crack! ! ! '

The sound of breaking stones sounded slowly, and the stones at the corners of the stones fell slowly!

But... watching this thing fall slowly, the stone is still just an ordinary stone, just like that, the stone the size of a washbasin has been removed, and it is still gray and gloomy~
Everyone couldn't help feeling sorry!

The eyes looking at Yun Feiyue were no longer scorching and adoring, but with a face full of jokes, but Yun Feiyue didn't see anything wrong at all, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of her mouth...

Still so refreshed!

"Fei Yue, you don't seem to be worried at all!"

Feng Yuling handed over the stone she picked in her hand, and looked at the girl in front of her with a slight smile!
For some reason, he also faintly felt that this stone must not be simple!
Obviously she shouldn't have bought it like this, but...he believed her from the bottom of his heart!

"I never do things that I'm not sure about!" Tilting her head, Yun Feiyue showed a frightened smile: "This time I can clearly tell you that if I win, you will pay for these stones!"

"Okay, if I win, I will make the same request!"

"Hmph, you can't win anyway!"

Picking up her chin arrogantly, she said in a defiant voice!

"Hey, master, master, it's actually a khaki color, my God, this is a crit stone!"

"Ah, I'm rich, rich!"

Looking at this khaki-colored stone, it is slightly smaller than the palm of my hand, but such stones are already very rare. Naturally, this fist-sized stone is naturally very valuable!
Suddenly... all the people boiled again!

Crit stone!

As the name suggests, it can exert critical strike ability. If it is placed on a weapon, this is no joke!
"Master, I didn't get rich, I got rich!"

"Hahaha, you were the one who stood in the way of this young master's fortune just now!" The young man laughed nervously, and quickly wrapped the stone in his arms, with a look of joy on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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