Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1218 Chapter 1242: Strong to be scary

Chapter 1218 Chapter 1242: Strong to be scary

"That's the reason! The captain should pay a price for bringing us to such a place!"

"Yes, the two spoke in time!"

Yun Feiyue is still as calm as ever!

But like this, the people around couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, and felt a little uneasy... I always felt that the things in front of me seemed not so simple, but... I don't know how to describe it!
Xiao Jiu has a disdainful expression on his face!

Staring at these people who are against mother in front of me as if they were looking at dead objects!
"Hmph, I really don't know how to live or die!" Xiao Jiu let out a cold snort, and Xiao Jiu raised a bloodthirsty smile~
Immediately, most people felt a chilly breath in their hearts, but neither the man nor the girl knew what was going on in front of them!
I couldn't help but take a few steps back from everyone, for fear that I would also be affected by this unnecessarily, they cared about their own lives!
Feeling the evasiveness of the people around him, the man's face darkened a little, and his face was a little embarrassed and annoyed: "Hmph, I thought your identities should be good, but because of this An inexplicable person has been rectified, don't you feel embarrassed!"

He raised his eyebrows slightly!

These words have no effect at all!
Although they are somewhat unwilling in their hearts!
But in the end Yun Feiyue's strength lies here, what's more, they also know that it seems that they really shouldn't make trouble now, Yun Feiyue's reasoning is here, if something really happens to the captain of the helmsman!

You guys really can't get away!

After all, life is the greatest hope!
"Really?!" Yun Feiyue still raised a sneer unhurriedly: "I didn't want to talk about this, but some people hindered my life, do you think I can really ignore it?" ?"

"What about you!"

"Instead of dragging you down to death, it's better to just let you go!"


Yun Feiyue raised her fingers slightly, and the moment the man hadn't reacted, a terrifying spiritual energy rushed towards the man, and his body was thrown up like a broken rag~

Falling heavily on the deck~
"Damn bitch!"

Feel the pain!
His face suddenly paled a bit, and his anger burst out again~
Suddenly condensed the whole body of spiritual energy...


Seeing the strength of this man, everyone couldn't help but gasp!

"My God, this guy actually has such terrifying strength!"

"This... can this girl do it?"

"It's too bad, if this guy really wins, we will be unlucky!"

"Isn't it? What a reckless and unreasonable person, doesn't he know that if something happens to the captain and helmsman, would we still want to live?"

Soon, the people in the crowd also saw the scene clearly!
All the people became angry for a while, one by one looked at the man in front of him with a face that didn't know whether he was alive or not!
"Hmph, you're a little weaker to show off your skills in front of me!"

Looking at the faces around him who dared to be angry and dare not speak up, the man's face became even more frightened: "Go to hell, can the person who offended the uncle still live?"

I saw the overwhelming aura on the man's body fiercely attacking Yun Feiyue... That terrifying aura made everyone around him take a few steps back, it was so powerful that it made people feel scary~
(End of this chapter)

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