Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1245 Chapter 1269 : Poor Sedum, I've been tricked!

Chapter 1245 Chapter 1269 : Poor Sedum, I've been tricked!
Biting her lips tightly, staring carefully at Song Lian above!
Yun Feiyue felt that her breathing was so difficult!
Eyes, motionless!
It seemed that he wanted to pass through the tulle and see Song Lian's appearance, but he quickly calculated in his heart, what is the reason for this, is it aimed at himself?

"Miss Song Lian, there is no one here to fight with me anymore. It is not bad to marry me now. Don't worry, although I am a bit ugly and vulgar, I will love you well!"

The pair of eyes of the big man stared at Song Lian closely!
Ever since she appeared on the stage, her eyes have never left Song Lian's eyes, and she obviously has a look of excitement: "Don't worry about other things, I will spoil you forever!"



Hearing this, everyone gasped!

Suddenly, his face changed again and again!
They all looked incredible, even with obvious disdain, this man is too...too incredible, and he doesn't know where he came from, obviously he doesn't belong to a big family!
"Brother, isn't it too early for you to say this now?"

At this moment, Song Lian was not in a hurry, she moved her body a little, leaned on the recliner like a boneless person, half-closed her eyes, and said lightly: "It's too early to speak big, it will only kill yourself It's all earlier!"

The tone of her voice was neither fast nor slow, and her tone was very gentle, as if she was just asking: The weather is good today!

These words caused Yun Feiyue's complexion to change slightly, and her eyes dimmed a bit. She can guarantee that this woman is probably another woman similar to her mother!
It seems that this city of black water is really pervasive!
It's just that she didn't understand why she released someone who looked similar to her mother?
Could it be to seduce her into taking the bait?

No, no, things are far from being like this, could it be... Could it be... Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled, could it be because of her father, to lure her out!

Yes, it must be so!

After all, apart from myself, only father cares about mother so much!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue felt that her breathing was starting to hurt. She stared carefully at Song Lianlian, only to see her eyes sweeping across the audience from time to time... as if she had a plan in mind!
"Sedum, just tell me if they want to lure out my father!"

"If you guessed right, your father is alive, and your father is in the Nanshan lineage!" Sedum pursed her lips slightly, and Sedum's eyes were also tinged with calmness! "Don't you know the news that has come out in the past few days?"


"Oh, or did Jun Qianhuang never tell you?"



Well, it seems that Jun Qianhuang really didn't say anything, but she and Jun Qianhuang have also been separated for several days, and the news that has only come out in the past few days, naturally he may not know it either!

However, Jingtian's words obviously meant to break the relationship!
Yun Feiyue doesn't really care about it!
"Oh, Miss Lianlian looks down on me!" Hearing Song Lianlian's words, the man's face was a bit unhappy: "That's okay, come one and I'll make one, come a pair and I'll make a pair!"

The man raised his chin proudly!

But... the people under the stage didn't dare to refute, isn't his ability already on display!

"Sedum, it's up to you now!" I saw Yun Feiyue's eyes turning, with a trace of calculation... Sedum's heart was flustered immediately, and she always felt a deep sense of uneasiness...

(End of this chapter)

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