Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1248 Chapter 1272 : Die to me!die!dead~~

Chapter 1248 Chapter 1272 : Die to me!die!dead~~
'Boom! '

A loud bang!
Dust billowed all over the arena, and the man's face was filled with excitement, as if seeing Sedum's small figure had been completely suppressed by him!

"Hmph, my uncle said to give you a chance, but if you don't want it, this is what will happen to you!"

The man put his hands on his hips, his face contorted in shock!

Just now when Sedum came to the stage, he was very displeased in his heart, but he couldn't bear anyone who looked better than himself, let alone the Sedum in front of him was so handsome!Naturally, the hatred value has been inexplicably increased!

The smile is so frightening: "Hahaha, let's see who dares to compete with me right now!"



Seeing this, the people in the audience were completely dumbfounded!

I didn't expect this guy to come up with a big killer move, which is directly fatal!

This shocked everyone!
They saw that the whole ground was cracked, and they even felt that if this man attacked a few more times, the ring might collapse, and the city lord's face was even more pale and terrifying, this man didn't pay attention to him at all!

"Damn it!" Clenching his fists tightly, a gloomy light flickered in the eyes of the city lord, and a killing intent lingered in his heart!

"God, did he die like this?"

"This person is too vicious, I don't care about him!"

"Hey, it's so pitiful. I don't think anyone is fighting him in the ring right now. A fight in the ring can kill him!"

"Hey, isn't it a crime!"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, but before everyone could recover, they all thought that he was dead, but when the dust slowly fell to the ground, a bright red figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes again...

Look at that tall and straight figure!

Everyone gasped again, staring at the situation in front of them in disbelief, as if they were afraid that they might be wrong...

"Oh my God, he...he is alive, he is still alive!"

"No way! The attack just now can't be faked at all, the ground is cracked!"

"Looking at this person, it seems that he has no influence at all!"

At the same time, Sedum's eyes showed a hint of indifference, and his brows were slightly raised. The dust fell around him, but it was not stained, and it was still so clean~
As if everything that happened just now had nothing to do with him!
I saw him slowly stepping forward, one step... one step, stepping on the cracked floor, but it was like stepping on a person's heart!

"you you!"

The moment the man saw that Sedum was safe and sound, he was stunned!
The whole person is stupid!
After a while, he stretched out his fingers and pointed tremblingly at Sedum in front of him: "You...you...you're fine!" He took a breath, completely dumbfounded!

"Oh, can't it?" Sedum raised a faint smile, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked: "Tsk tsk, even a little thing like you is arrogant in front of me, huh?"

Raise your voice slightly!
The voice was lowered... but it seemed to hit his heart, which made the man's face change suddenly, and his face was distorted a bit again: "Damn, I can't let you die like this, it seems that I underestimated you!"

His eyes were stained with bloodthirsty red blood!
Raising his fingers slightly, a terrifying breath surged from all directions: "Then, now I will let you die, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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