Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1280 Chapter 1304: Brother 2, what are you hiding?

Chapter 1280 Chapter 1304: Second brother, what are you hiding?
"Second brother, what do you seem to be hiding?"

Dressed in white clothes like snow!
Her silver hair hung around her waist, and there was a faint smile in her wooden eyes, and she said slowly: "It seems that the second brother is actually guarding against me, who is an older brother!"

Long sigh!

It seems that there is a little loss and pain!

In the end, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart!
Seeing the appearance of breast milk, Mu Jin's complexion suddenly changed, and she looked at Mu Ran in embarrassment: "Brother, I... don't want to lie to you, it's just that the current situation is not good for us, so..."

Scratching the back of his head in a panic!
Hibiscus was also a little worried in her heart!
After all, he didn't intend to hide it on purpose, but... thinking that he should not expose himself when he has not yet determined his strength!

Even in the face of his own brother, he still has to consider his safety!
In the end... After losing it for so many years, and finally finding it back, how could he be willing to let himself lose it again!

"Brother... don't be angry!"

"Oh, Feiyue, please help explain it!"

Seeing Mu Ran's expression was a little cold, Mu Jin's heart was flustered, for this brother, he had been thinking about him, but now he finally recognized him, and he really felt his brother's concern!

How could he be willing to give up this belated family affection!
Hibiscus panic!
Hibiscus worries!
Immediately, Yun Feiyue chuckled softly: "Okay, then, why do you have to be serious with your younger brother, you must know that he really cares about you!" She rolled her eyes!
How could Yun Feiyue not know about Mu Ran's little thoughts!
After all, Hibiscus is hiding something. Although it is well-intentioned, it is a little mistrustful!

She understands this feeling!

However, what Mu Jin did was to be responsible to her brother!

"It's such a small matter, you two brothers can explain it clearly later!" Rubbing his temples, he said slowly: "Mu Jin, now you can actually hide your knowledge of your strength?"

"Crimson Moon!"

He reached out and scratched the back of his head!

He looked at his brother nervously, only to see that the wooden face was slightly relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't forget to practice because I was kicked out by them, and it's impossible for me Forget my oath!"


He wants to kill and return to Mu's house!
He wants to let the Mu family know that Mu Jin is not a real waste!

He also wants to let these people know that the 'relatives' who humiliated his mother, framed his father, and almost killed his brother know that he will definitely come back with revenge!
"Okay, well, what do you think?"

Turning around, looking at Mu Ran, with a slight smile: "Are you sure about him?"

"Crimson Moon is here, so I'm sure of it!"

Yun Feiyue's words moved Mu Ran's heart immediately: "Everything will be according to your arrangement!" Without her saying anything, he already understood what this look meant!

Watching the interaction between my brother and Yun Feiyue!
Suddenly, Mu Jin seemed to understand something in his heart. It seemed that these two knew each other a long time ago?

It seems that the two had a tacit understanding a long time ago!
In this way, things will go more smoothly for you!

Brother can know such a character, so naturally he admires him a little bit in his heart!

"Okay, then take him to my space, test it first and see how to improve his ability!"

"That's great!" Nodding her head, she was 100% at ease with Yun Feiyue's arrangement in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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