Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 140 Chapter 142: You are a wretched old man

Chapter 140 Chapter 142: You are a wretched old man
"Uh, Dean?"

Blinking her eyes, Yun Feiyue completely felt dizzy: "I don't seem to know the dean!" She lightly touched the tip of her nose with her fingers, and subconsciously looked at Jun Qianhuang beside her!

Could it be Jun Qianhuang?

But seeing the indifference on Jun Qianhuang's face, she knew that it had nothing to do with him at all!

"Scary, you still have to hide it from me, little old man. You also know that my little old man's favorite thing in life is pills!" Frowning, this fish machine really didn't think about what was wrong with what he said. !
You haven't entered school yet, how do you know that you like pills the most?

Well, Yun Feiyue said that the pressure is very high!

But Yu Jizi didn't feel that he had any problems, and still said to himself: "You are willing to give the pill to the dean, but you still say that you don't know it. If it weren't for your elixir, the dean might not know you for the rest of your life." Don't advance!"

"Didn't it be agreed that the second elder would be promoted?"

With an innocent face, is it really okay for him to deceive people?

"Hmph, how can the dean be promoted so that people can watch him, especially such a white-eyed wolf, let him go and get rid of it, it's a good thing only if he hits a wall!" Said Xuanjizi, Yu Jizi's expression suddenly turned bad No matter how much, I also disdain how much!

To the dean?


If there is no elixir, you will not be able to advance in this lifetime!
Therefore, Yun Feiyue finally found the key from these words very sadly: "The dean is very young?"

"Ha, he was years ago? Haha, like a little old man like me, young ass, young, it's just because I'm already a half-god, that's all there are so many years ago!"



Well, demigods!

"Here, the dean's office is on the right, and my office is on the left, girl, come and play in my office when you have time!" A certain person is familiar, as long as he thinks of pills, he will forget everything!
That old face is full of wretchedness... Well, at least both Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang think so!
Unable to bear it, Yun Feiyue secretly moved a few steps behind her body, while Jun Qianhuang subconsciously separated the fish machine from Yun Feiyue: "Elder Elder, it's getting late, Xiaoyue'er and I will go first Look at the dean!"

Saying that, without waiting for Yu Jizi to react, he pulled Yun Feiyue and ran away!
"Could it be that I'm a tiger, little old man?" Seeing them seem to be running away, Yu Jizi didn't understand what was wrong with him, and subconsciously touched his nose!

Well, if someone is here, you must tell him that his appearance at the moment is more terrifying than a tiger, and he is completely a wretched old man!

Rao was prepared in her heart, when Yun Feiyue looked at the man who seemed to be a few years younger in front of her, she immediately felt that it was good to be strong, to stay young forever?

Nodding, Yi Changqin didn't have much expression, just nodded lightly: "Actually, it's nothing, just to tell you that you can rest in this room in the future, and no one can disturb you!"

What! !
Staring round her eyes, looking at the key Yi Changqin handed over, she felt that her heart was beating abnormally!
This key seems to be made from the crystal nucleus of a monster, and there is a red light all over its body, and the thick aura is still so obvious: "This monster is probably above the sky rank!"

Swallow a mouthful of saliva!
He stretched out his hand and took the key. The small key lay quietly in the palm of his hand!
There was a real cool feeling coming from the skin, which made Yun Feiyue couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. This kind of thing is not just about hunting powerful monsters!
He is even a refiner!
(End of this chapter)

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