Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1634 Chapter 1715: Isn't it a Kirin

Chapter 1634 Chapter 1715: Isn't it a Kirin
Blue fire unicorn!

Blue fire unicorn! ! !

These few words were like a ray of light, fiercely stimulating Yun Feiyue's heart, and her whole body trembled violently!

Ah, Nima, she has never seen this thing, but she has heard of it!
The blue fire unicorn is not a unicorn in the true sense, but a monster with a similar appearance to a unicorn, but this kind of monster emits a faint light, from transparent at first to bluer!
The whole body is like a blue flame!

Even the blood is blue!

That ray of light came from the unicorn-like horns on the top of its head!

If the feather energy is not strong enough, and the shield cannot block the light, the person will be annihilated in an instant!

"Thick-skinned and rough-skinned, the shield-type mercenaries should be blocked at the back first, the medical-type mercenaries are in the middle, and the rear is aggressive!" Miao Huanyi calmly began to command the team of more than a hundred !

And the team has gone through the initial run-in!

Although it has not yet reached a special ability, it is already very fast after all, and Yun Feiyue has given the formation, so that these people can operate it skillfully!

Immediately, huge shields formed in the air, and milky white rays of light enveloped his team!
There are still not many medical personnel in the team, but the current utilization is quite huge!

I saw one by one earnestly starting to pour their feather energy towards these meat shields. After all, the people in front cannot fall down, otherwise...the ones in the rear will be defeated directly!

And most of these meat shields in front are members of the Tengyun Mercenary Group!

Look at the tacit understanding between the two teams!

Jun Qianhuang also smiled lightly: "Sure enough, it's my Xiaoyue'er's team, but it's different from the others?" She chuckled lightly: "Would you like to take this thing for your husband, I want to come to you You understand the function of this thing better than me!"

"Hmph! Of course I need your help, but...you are just a meat shield!"

I chuckled!
She naturally believes that Jun Qianhuang should be quite easy to deal with such a monster, but... if the team wants to grow, they can only let them work hard on their own. This is just entering the cave, so they can't support it, then...

What should I do in the future?
Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue also had a deep worry in her heart, and said slowly: "Huang, our team has just started to grow, we have to create conditions for him! It's not to give them too much protection!"

Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue knew better what she was going to do in her heart!
For her team, she has a lot of sustenance!
"Okay, then I'll be Madam's shield. If I need it, I'll do my best, okay?" With a sigh, Jun Qianhuang naturally knew Yun Feiyue's intentions. If the team can't use it for herself, then... to come It is also useless!

Seeing that Jun Qianhuang understood her intentions!
With deep excitement in Yun Feiyue's heart, she blinked her eyes: "Listen to me, the monster in front is the blue fire unicorn, I believe you have all heard of it!"

Following Yun Feiyue's words, everyone was surprised!His eyes were filled with incredulity, and also a hint of panic, but... more excited!

You must know that the blue fire unicorn is powerful!
It was so powerful that it made them fear from the bottom of their hearts. This was similar to the mythical unicorn that perished in ancient times!

Although it is not as good as Qilin, but... it is also scary!

(End of this chapter)

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