Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1669 Chapter 1750: The riot of the dark department

Chapter 1669 Chapter 1750: The riot of the dark department

How can they give up their territory at this time!

"Fei Yue, release all the monsters in your space!" After Jun Qianhuang's order, she said coldly: "There are Xiao Xie and Xiao Jiu outside, so don't worry, we are on our own inside!"

"Okay, Huang!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue hastily released all the monsters in her space!

Suddenly, it was like a huge team of monsters...

And the team of monsters following her, saw Jun Qianhuang's finger raised slightly, and suddenly... a huge team also appeared from the direction of his finger...

This made her complexion slightly darker!

After all, I am a Warcraft raised by the Space Ring!
This... where did Jun Qianhuang get it from!
Well... Maybe this is the difference in his dragon bloodline!

With the growth of the team, at the same time, the dark breath began to be released...

The entire city lord's mansion became a confrontation between the dark department and the light department... After several days and nights of fighting, people outside could not break through or enter...

I can only watch quietly like this!

It's just that the battle outside was not as intense as inside. After all, there seemed to be more people outside. I saw Xiao Jiu and Xiao Xie's team leading invincible and began to charge in. Only then did I realize that my grandfather seemed to be there too!



The two quickly rushed towards Yun Jinxiao... I saw that Yun Jinxiao brought Jin Ling'er, and his forces had already piled up in Fanlong City!
After several days of confrontation in the entire Fanlong City!

The dark breath has long since disappeared!

But... but no one can enter the city lord's mansion!

This made them even more worried in their hearts: "Grandfather, if something happens to my father, it will be a disaster!"

"Shut up, Daddy will be fine!"

Chi Xie snorted softly: "Daddy is of the blood of the dragon, how is it possible!"

"Well, your mother also has the blood of a goddess, as long as she awakens!"

"Grandmother, is this true?"

"of course it's true!"

"Isn't this the dean?" Hearing this, Chi Xie turned around fiercely, seeing Yi Changqin and his team standing in the center of Fanlong City, he couldn't help smiling slightly excitedly: " Oh my god, this... Sedum, you are here too!"

"Isn't this the Feng Clan!"




Seeing familiar faces already standing in Fanlong City, the whole scene became lively!
It's just... Although one by one is getting lively, they are also nervously staring at the movement in the city lord's mansion!

If the City Lord's Mansion really failed, then... everything they did was useless, and it would only allow the dark department to completely control the entire world!
Suddenly everyone fell silent!
After all, no one knows how this battle will end, and what is facing him!
Ten days!
It's been a full ten days, and the movement inside has not disappeared, on the contrary, it has become a little more serious, and it has made everyone feel an indescribable tremor!
The battle is still going on!

The elixir on Yun Feiyue's body also began to slowly empty out!
But people of the dark department are springing up like mushrooms after rain, and I don't know where they come from again and again!


Jun Qianhuang stood in front of the city lord, blocking Jun Lancheng behind her: "I always feel that things here are not easy, you are more familiar with everything in the city lord's mansion, why don't you take Feiyue to check it out, Let me deal with it here!"

(End of this chapter)

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