Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1671 Chapter 1752: Black Crystal Energy

Chapter 1671 Chapter 1752: Black Crystal Energy


Nodding, Yun Feiyue chuckled lightly, then nodded, and walked down the passage with Xiao Zi and Wen Rui...

The entire passage is very narrow, and there seems to be nothing else in it except the dark atmosphere!
"Mother, be careful, this breath will make people unknowingly become people of the dark type!" Xiao Zi was deeply worried: "You can't have any accidents right now!"




Hearing this, Yun Feiyue sighed slightly: "Okay, I understand!"

"Don't worry, isn't there me!"

Wen Rui smiled slightly: "This kind of thing is a piece of cake for me!" He slowly raised his fingers, and with a feathery air, he began to completely wrap the three of them stand up!


With the aura released by Wen Rui, this made the three of them avoid the dark aura around them...

Yun Feiyue held up the crystal nucleus, which made the passage brighten up a lot!

The passage was very long, and a group of three people walked slowly towards it. I don't know how long they walked, and the hole in front of them began to enlarge...

One walked down... The three of them were completely stunned!

"God, this... this is completely the basement, the entire city lord's mansion is under the basement!"

I saw that there was an endless dark atmosphere here... The three of them were completely stunned!

"Mother, look, there is a black crystal, and this black crystal is moistened with black water. You only need to collect the black water first, and then find a way to shatter the crystal, and everything will be fine!"

"Okay, Xiao Zi, Wen Rui, get out of the way!"

Yun Feiyue quickly walked over and collected the black water into her own space... It's just this huge black crystal...


No matter what kind of attack she used, the whole ground trembled violently...but the black crystal still didn't move!
Time is slowly passing by!
But although the dark aura lost the moisture of the black water, it was not so rich, but... after all, it still carried a terrible aura, which made the three of them completely dumbfounded!

"Mother... what should I do, I can't even be struck by lightning!"

"God, I can't purify this black crystal either!" Wen Rui also looked helpless...

Seeing this, Yun Feiyue and his party were stunned!
The source of the matter has been found!

But... but there is no way to destroy it. Is there anything more terrifying than this?
"No, even if I crash and die here, I can't let this thing continue to work!" Looking carefully, the black water was put away by myself, but the black crystal was still producing black water... Seeing that it began to flow drop by drop. Puddles formed again!

Yun Feiyue was furious!

Subconsciously hit the black crystal...


bang bang-

bang bang bang-

"Mother..." Seeing this, Xiao Zi was dumbfounded!
Mother, is this crazy?
Could it be that such a method can also be smashed...

But...Xiao Zi's tone just fell, and Xiao Zi and Wen Wen were completely dumbfounded by this, only to see that the black crystal suddenly loosened a little after being hit by her, and white light began to emerge from inside...

"What is this!"

"No, this white light seems useless!"

"Oh my god, this... dark breath is still so terrifying!"



Seeing this, Wen Rui and Xiao Zi were dumbfounded. At this moment, Xiao Zi suddenly screamed: "Mother...Mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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