Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1674 Chapter 1755: Stupid stuff

Chapter 1674 Chapter 1755: Stupid stuff

"Mother's voice is mother's voice!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zi became excited, jumped up quickly, held Wen Rui's hand, and raised a deep smile: "Go, hurry up, mother let us go out, it is bound to There is a solution!"

Look, the surrounding stones start to roll!
Immediately, Xiao Zi's heart began to be afraid!


She doesn't really want to die here!

Now that my mother is fine, that's more important than anything else!
Seeing Xiao Zi's excited look, Wen Rui couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Get out quickly, it's better than anything else if Fei Yue is fine!" Wait for Xiao Zi to react!

Hurry up and grab her little hand!

rushed out towards the hole...

"You guys come out, has the matter been resolved?" Gang just rushed out, went to the study, and looked at Jun Lancheng's worried face!

Immediately, Xiao Zi hurriedly said: "Grandpa Jun, hurry up, it's not safe here, mother is fine, let's go find daddy!" Without caring so much, she took Jun Lancheng's hand and ran outside...

The three of them left the study!


bang bang bang...

Immediately, loud noises began to emerge from the side of the study...

The three of them turned their heads and saw that Nuo Da's study collapsed like this... Suddenly Jun Lancheng was dumbfounded!
How... how could this collapse!

It's not that good, even if the entire Fanlong City collapses, it won't be the City Lord's Mansion!




This sudden change shocked everyone!
The deconstruction of the City Lord's Mansion is abnormal, and the things used are quite strong, there is no possibility of bankruptcy at all!

But... this has clearly happened!
"Ah, what... what's going on, this city lord's mansion has been in existence for thousands of years, and I haven't seen any houses collapse!"

"Did something unusual happen?"

"God, don't scare me, I'm so timid!"

All of a sudden, everyone was filled with fear!
The bottom of my heart was even more shocked!
The City Lord's Mansion began to collapse, what exactly does this mean?
"Brother Xiaoxie, what...why is this?" I saw a green-haired girl standing beside Chixie, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her sky-blue eyes were full of horror!
Subconsciously holding his big hand with sharp bones!
Gritting her teeth, her eyes were stained with thick tears: "No, no, I want to go and see my mother, woo woo woo...Mother, don't allow anything to happen!"




Seeing this, Chi Xie was also dumbfounded, and snorted: "You cried again, cried again, I said Xiao Jiu, now you are a big girl, not that milk baby!" His face darkened !


This Xiaojiu has grown up physically!
People... still the same... Well, he resigned to his fate!

Youyou sighed, stretched out her hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said helplessly: "Now that you are still alive, it proves that mother is fine!"

The veins on the temples were faintly jumping!

This stupid thing, have you forgotten that she and her mother are in a natal contract, it is impossible for Xiao Jiu to live alone!
Looking at her lively appearance, what kind of nonsense can mother do!

Chi Xie also felt that he was getting more and more irritable for Xiao Jiu's torment!
(End of this chapter)

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