Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 190 Chapter 192: My heart pleases you

Chapter 190 Chapter 192: My heart pleases you
"Xiao Yue'er, do you know how much courage and ability it takes to stand by my side, and what kind of storms you will have to go through in the future?"

Her slender fingers tightly held her little white hand.

There was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

If she is willing to be by his side, willing to be with him forever, then he is also willing to protect her for the rest of his life. Taking a deep breath, Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "Xiaoyue'er, why do I want you?" In danger?"


Thinking of her future, it may be even more difficult for her.

"Is King Xiao's identity so terrifying?"

"Ghost girl, knowing that this king's identity is not as simple as King Xiao, do you know that if you decide to follow me, the difficulties in the future will be beyond what you can imagine now, but are you willing?" Filled with a deep anticipation...

At the bottom of my heart, there was a faint worry.

He, in fact, found that he was also afraid, afraid of her rejection, afraid...she would leave him.

Feeling the slight trembling of his fingers, Yun Feiyue raised a mischievous smile, tilted her head slightly, with a bit of coquettishness: "Well, what if I don't promise you? Hmm?" Picking lightly, the identity of this man is really not an understandable level for her.

"Xiao Yue'er, it's too late if you don't agree."

Grabbing her little hand violently, she pushed it into her arms, with a bit of evil in her eyes: "Because, soon someone will know your future Princess Xiao, and above!" Looking at the top, and then said evilly: "It seems that I really want to know the whereabouts of my lord. Tell me, if they know that King Xiao is their king, can you still escape?"

Hear his almost rascally words.

Yun Feiyue glared fiercely.

Isn't it true, if she knows that he is a certain king, then if she, Princess Xiao, is not strong enough, she can only wait for death!
"So, Xiaoyue'er, you have no way out!" Speaking of this, Jun Qianhuang seemed to be in an extraordinarily comfortable mood, and couldn't help but chuckled softly.

With his laughter, his chest rose and fell slightly, which made Yun Feiyue, whose face was pressed against his chest, feel a little unwillingness in his heart, and poked his fingers fiercely on his chest: "If you bully me like this, just You are so cruel to bully me like this!"


Holding her little hand again, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help feeling a little distressed in her heart.

After all, she is just a little woman, but he forced her to face it with him... But he also understands that if he doesn't force her, in fact... her future road will not be smooth, unless some secrets in her body are forever... No one will find out, otherwise...

Forget it, he wasn't going to say anything to her either.

Anyway, with him here, he must protect her comprehensively.

"Can you blame me?"

"Why do you blame you?"

"Bringing you into such danger."

"No." Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue smiled lightly, but her eyes were full of seriousness: "Even without you, it doesn't mean I'm safe."

"Xiaoyue'er, I like you, you know!" Suddenly, he looked affectionately at Yun Feiyue in front of him, paused every word, and said seriously: "I, Jun Qianhuang, like you Yun Feiyue !"

A loud bang.

Jun Qianhuang's three light words completely disturbed Yun Feiyue's heart.

I like you!
I like you! !

This hot wave made her freeze in place for a moment.

These days, although he kept calling himself his wife, even though he kept saying that she was the future Concubine Xiao, or even the Concubine Jun, he never really made a promise to himself, which made her heart a little sweet.

But it also made her heart faintly worried.

(End of this chapter)

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