Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 300 Chapter 307: Damn, dark breath

Chapter 300 Chapter 307: Damn, dark breath
"Naturally!" Shrugging, Yun Feiyue said without hesitation: "This herb is equivalent to the value of the crystal nucleus of ten god-rank monsters!" Thinking about the herb in her hand, she quickly collected the herb into herself bracelet space.

I didn't expect this trip to have such a big harvest so soon!
"By the way, is there anyone around you who can help?"

He turned his head and looked at Nan Jiuqing, frowning slightly: "I want you to find someone to follow the old man and find out his home and residence!"

"Why, you still want to buy his herbs?"

"No need, just one!" Shrugged: "The money for this medicinal material must be sent to him, right? I don't have the habit of making cheap money!"

Hearing this, Nan Jiuqing took a deep breath. She originally thought she was doing it deliberately to make money...but she didn't expect that she would actually send it. She couldn't help but said, "Then why just now..."

"Nan Jiuqing, you are not stupid, are you?"

Rolling her eyes, Yun Feiyue said flatly: "This thing is so valuable, do you think that if I give the money to the old man, the old man can leave alive? Or should I tell everyone that I bought such a valuable thing and wait for someone to rob it? "


Hearing this, Nan Jiuqing finally realized that she was a little embarrassed.

Did not consider these things.

"That's not bad!" Nodding his head, Nan Jiuqing made a gesture, and someone left in an instant, following the old man...

After getting what she needed, Yun Feiyue's mood was also extraordinarily comfortable, her whole body became much lighter, and she became more relaxed following her steps: "Why don't we go shopping again? When will the night market close?"

"The night market does not refer to nighttime activities, it just refers to the dark underground!"

Nan Jiuqing eloquently explained the general rules of the night market. It is nothing more than the fact that the night market has a strong back. As for what this back is, no one knows. It is just that after the formation of the night market, the scale is huge. There are also a lot of natural treasures!

The two began to search slowly, one behind the other.

At this moment, Yun Feiyue felt an aura of something wrong hovering in her mind, her face turned dark slightly, and she showed a look of rage, her fingers tightly clenched into fists: "Nan Jiu Sir, I have to leave!"

Pursing his lips, there was unconcealable anger in his voice.

"what happened?"

"Something happened to my partner!"



"It's just a monster, why bother..."

"Nan Jiuqing!" Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's voice raised slightly, with a hint of unspeakable anger evident: "Warcraft may be worthless slaves to you, but to me, Yun Feiyue, Say, they are all indispensable partners!"

After finishing speaking, before Nan Jiuqing could react.

I saw her figure flicker, and quickly sprinted towards the direction of the speech in her mind...

hiss! !

On the other hand, Nan Jiuqing took a deep breath. She didn't expect her unintentional words to arouse her anger, and couldn't help being a little annoyed at herself.

Just now it was hard for Yun Feiyue to have a good impression of her, but now... she is humiliating herself!
"Tsk tsk, it really is a dark thing!"

The man was dressed in a black robe, his long fangs were very sharp, his red and swollen eyes were shining strangely, and there was a trace of dark red blood at the corner of his mouth, looking at Qiu Zeyang strangely, there was already a trace of excitement in his eyes.

I couldn't help but raise my voice a bit...
"Ghost Wife Don't Sleep: Husband, Play with Me" Yin Fantuan's very fun and wonderful pet article
(End of this chapter)

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