Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 371 Chapter 378: Lady, don't ask for purple sauce

Chapter 371 Chapter 378: Lady, don't ask for purple sauce
"Ma'am, why don't we do it again?" Licking her face, Jun Qianhuang wrapped her arms around her waist with a playful look in her eyes, looking at Yun Feiyue's helpless face, His heart couldn't help but get excited.

His eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't help but soften his tone a bit: "Well, just pretend to surprise me, okay?"



what game is this?
Before Yun Feiyue could react, Jun Qianhuang unilaterally assumed that she had agreed, and instantly disappeared into the room, leaving Yun Feiyue with a face full of astonishment...



Yun Feiyue suddenly found that her heartbeat seemed to be very abnormal!
I always feel vaguely looking forward to something!
Doing this like a couple of lovers on a tryst, as if they are... Pooh, blah, what nonsense, she and him are lovers, okay, but there is a bit of throbbing in the bottom of her heart, which makes her heart soft again A few points.

"Ma'am, here I come!"

Just when Yun Feiyue was falling into deep thought, suddenly a pair of big hands tightly embraced her waist from behind her, her chin rested gently on his shoulder, and there was a trace of warmth in her eyes.


With a soft cry, Yun Feiyue's face turned slightly pale!

This time, she was really scared!

Looking at her slightly pale face, Jun Qianhuang suddenly felt that she had a sense of accomplishment, but she felt a little bit reluctant in her heart: "Hey, what were you thinking just now, are you really scared? "

Turn her little face!

Slowly lowering her head, she lightly placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth!
"Well, Xiaoyue'er, what do you want me to do?"

I don't know how long it took.

Only then did Jun Qianhuang slowly let go of the little woman in her arms, with her thin sexy lips, she couldn't help but kissed her little mouth again, and then said softly: "Hey, I'll take How about you go out for a walk?"

"Well, yes!"

Turning her head away, Yun Feiyue straightened her skirts, the faint smile on the corner of her mouth made Jun Qianhuang's heartbeat even more abnormal.

The breeze blows slowly across the top of the mountain, driving the soft sound of the flowers.

Under the big tree in the sky, a crimson figure sat down against the tree trunk, while the pink figure leaned obediently in her arms, both of them had happy smiles on their lips, which made people unable to help Take a few more glances.

(End of this chapter)

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