Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 515 Chapter 524: You, you are a devil! !

Chapter 515 Chapter 524: You, you are a devil! !
"My son must be a good one!" Hearing this, Mrs. Yun couldn't help but feel better. Thinking of Yun Jinghui, she felt that this life was worth it!
"Looks like uncle and aunt don't know about it!"

Seeing their joyful faces, Yun Feiyue was unhappy in her heart. If she was unhappy, she would naturally find some pain for these people!
There was an evil smile on the corner of her mouth: "Yun Jinghui, it was destroyed by the people of the Holy Light Hall, shouldn't you retreat and cultivate yourself? Well, although Grandpa hates you guys, after all, what happened that day? There is no Yun Jinghui in the rebellion!"

Think here!

Yun Feiyue's eyes became even colder!

Yun Jinghui hasn't appeared since the day of the rebellion. She doesn't believe that he is innocent!
Pressing her lips tightly, Yun Feiyue believed that he was like a poisonous snake, waiting around her at any time, it seemed that she had to strengthen her defenses!

Of course, Yun Feiyue definitely wouldn't say these words to embarrass these people in front of her!

"Poison woman, just wait, wait for my daughter to come back, you will die!"

"Ah, that's right, my eldest sister is the direct disciple of the Great Elder of the Holy Light Hall, you wait...wait for my eldest sister to kill you little bitch!" Hearing Madam Yun's words, Yun Xuelian seemed to have found After getting the backbone, the hall brightened up again: "Hmph, the general election campaign in the Holy Light Hall has started, and my sister will definitely be back!"

But the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became in her heart!
The day of the general election is only two days away, shouldn't the big sister come back early to see them?
Seeing that these people pinned all their hopes on Yun Qinglan, who was even more useless than them, Yun Feiyue felt an indescribable coldness in her heart: "Well, are you looking for Yun Qinglan?" Blinking her eyes , she is very innocent!
Seeing her like this, the faces of Mrs. Yun and the others suddenly changed!
A feeling of uneasiness emerged from the bottom of my heart... with deep worry, my whole heart seemed to be raised!

"You...what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. I'm a kind-hearted person. I can't see people crying, and I can't see a family being separated. After all, my father and mother were framed by people since childhood. I don't know if uncle knows?"

Slowly, she stood up!
He took a step forward and slowly approached the great elder of the Yun family, with a strange smile on his lips: "Tell me, if I catch those who framed her, shouldn't I slowly... slowly Kill them? Then press their souls into the fire of hell, and they will live forever and cannot be resurrected, what do you think, uncle?"

The tone is clear and soft!

The tone is very slow~
The face was full of gloom: "When I catch those who framed my father and mother, uncle, you have to see clearly!"

"You...you...what does your mother and your father have to do with me!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's sinister face, the Great Elder's heart trembled violently. His whole body was full of fear and fear, but his face was still pretending to be firm. God knows how scared he is in his heart right now. !
"Don't worry, Uncle, you should know about the fire of hell, right? Tsk tsk, that is to forcibly pull out the soul after death and put it on the fire of hell to roast and burn. There is no difference between the sun and the moon all day long." , only endless punishment!"

Yun Feiyue didn't seem to feel that the Great Elder was abnormal, and still said slowly: "Tsk tsk, uncle, would you like this? Let this person not be able to reincarnate after death, and I have to pray for my mother and father. Atonement."

"You...you are a devil~~" Finally, the Great Elder felt that he couldn't bear it, and his whole body began to tremble, as if he felt endless flames wrapped around him. Such pain made it impossible to turn over.

(End of this chapter)

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