Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 531 Chapter 540: Hugh must be crazy at Yun's house!

Chapter 531 Chapter 540: Hugh must be crazy at Yun's house!
"Miss Yun!" With a bitter smile, there was deep sadness in the eyes: "If you didn't deliberately use your status as a waste material to deceive me in the first place, why would I divorce you? Why? Why did you deceive me?" !"

Speaking of this, his voice was a bit of a painful roar!
There are also deep injuries in the eyes!
It seems that Yun Feiyue in front of her is a heartless man!


Negative man!
Really sick, if she didn't pretend to be a waste back then, who could she fight for with her skills?Whether it is Mrs. Yun, Patriarch Yun, or Yun Xuelian, the most useless of them, it is actually very easy to kill herself!

Think here!

Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with a thick layer of sadness, if only she could be stronger back then!

The nanny... can the nanny survive the rest of her life?

"Nangong Pingyang, does my matter have anything to do with you?" Taking a deep breath, calming down his emotions, he said lightly: "Get out of here quickly, put away your perfect sense of superiority, and That hallucination, as far away as death!"

God knows how much she wants to kill the man in front of her now!

But... she is not afraid of blood!
Not afraid of the exposure of the Yun family!
It's just that, at least at this time, I can't kill him in the Yun family, otherwise it will affect my plan, and let the Holy Light Hall notice me in advance, wouldn't I be causing trouble for myself?After all, she still has to enter the interior of the Holy Light Hall to find out something!
"Xiu Lin, ask Yun Can and Yun Xiao to send the Second Prince off to me well, and the Yun Family will not need to see him from now on!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for anyone to react...

Xiulin was left behind looking at the second prince angrily: "The second prince respects himself!"

"Self-respect? How dare you, a servant, show shame in front of this prince?" Seeing Yun Feiyue leaving without a care in this way, and listening to Yun Feiyue's words that didn't mind seriously hurting herself, at this moment, let that one The girl dared to humiliate herself! !

This made the arrogance in his heart begin to spread...

"Second prince, although Xiulin is a maid, she is also a maid of the Yun family. Before the second prince takes action, weigh your own abilities!"

Feel the killing intent of Nangong Pingyang!
A bloodthirsty sneer flickered in Xiulin's eyes!
This man really thinks he is something, no wonder the lady is so angry!
"You're courting death!" Immediately, Nangong Pingyang condensed raging spiritual energy, and ruthlessly smashed towards Xiulin's head... Immediately, Xiulin's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes!
"Nangong Pingyang, how dare you!"

At the same time, a loud roar erupted from outside!
A wave of milky white aura ruthlessly struck over, knocking down his body in an instant... A mouthful of blood stained his chest~~
"You...you..." Before the words were finished, there was a 'poof', and a mouthful of blood spewed out again... His eyes were stained with a thick layer of anger, and the humiliation given to him by the Yun family was already deep. Remember it in your heart!
"Second prince, Xiulin is from my Yun family. Isn't it too much for you to bully others in the Yun family so openly?"

Squint your eyes!

With deep anger, Yun Xiao walked over slowly... If he had taken a step back just now, wouldn't Xiu Lin suffer?Xiulin suffered a loss, wouldn't it make the lady angry!

(End of this chapter)

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