Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 538 Chapter 547: Kill, kill these people

Chapter 538 Chapter 547: Kill, kill these people
"Jie Jie!"

At this moment, a figure of a man in black slowly cast in the air. The black robe, sharp nails, and a black and white mask covered his face. The thin figure seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time~
But just such a seemingly fragile figure!

But it sent out a powerful coercion, severely suppressing the people around it!

The tone was thick and strange, I saw him slowly playing with his pale, bloodless fingers, and the corner of his bright red mouth seemed to have a smear of thick blood, slowly hooking an evil arc: " Stupid, dare to fight against this deity, is it simply tired of work?"

Fingers, slightly raised, with a purple aura, shining like thunder and lightning: "Then, I want to see what ability these three princes have, Tianyou Kingdom must be destroyed!"

God bless the country?
Must be destroyed!

What's the situation?
Unable to bear Yun Feiyue's eyes full of worry, she looked at Jun Qianhuang!

The existence of this terrifying ability has completely surpassed her god level, and the situation in Xuanming Continent has become more and more strange.

"Then let's see if you are strong enough or not!" Jun Qianhuang squinted slightly, looking at a figure floating high in the air, with deep disdain: "Only you, still want to let Will the third prince make a move?"

"You... are you King Xiao?"

The ghost-faced man immediately looked at Jun Qianhuang's crimson purple figure, with a hint of doubt, and then laughed wildly: "Okay, okay, it seems that the fun is better with you, I want to see the legendary What exactly is King Xiao like?"


Yun Feiyue yelled softly, a wide milky white wing grew from her entire back, and then flew into the air with a sneer: "It's just a ghost-masked man, if the guess is right, judging from the tricks of the man in black Come on, you should be from Fengzhi Country!"

Fengzhi country?
Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly!
Fengzhi Kingdom has always been on good terms with Tianyou Kingdom, but this time they suddenly launched an attack. Could it be that they want to annex all the countries and make one family dominate?
"You, damn it!"

The moment Yun Feiyue stood up, the ghost-masked man's breathing obviously stagnated, and his pupils shrank sharply, obviously with strong hatred, which made Yun Feiyue's heart feel a 'thump'. The ghost-faced man seems to have a familiar breath!

"Then try, who among us deserves to die!"

A bloodthirsty sneer was raised: "Let's shoot!!" Immediately, with the imprint of finger speed, a thick spiritual energy fell down fiercely...


The shining golden needles ruthlessly charged towards the Ghost-Mask Man's body...

"Feng dance nine days!"

"Seven Holy Curses!!"

Following her coquettish shouts and the speed of her fingers, streaks of strange light fell fiercely...

Feel Yun Feiyue's terrifying attack!

The face of the ghost-faced man was also shocked, and he retreated quickly, with a little caution: "Damn, I underestimated you, but you must die today!" With a distorted tone, the speed of the fingers was sealed!
Immediately, a red halo appeared on his body, like a solid barrier, blocking all of Yun Feiyue's attacks...

Originally, I felt that Yun Feiyue's attack was extremely terrifying!
But now, it turns out that this ghost-masked man seems even more terrifying!
Even the man in black, who had been dumbfounded just now, became excited at the moment: "Kill, kill the people of Tianyou Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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