Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 543 Chapter 552 : Black?Tsk tsk, try it

Chapter 543 Chapter 552 : Black?Tsk tsk, try it
"Speaking of identity, you are not as good as the emperor's uncle, it's just as real!"

Facing Nangong Pingyang's shamelessness, Nangong Yichen said mercilessly: "They are all like imperial concubines, don't you know what identity is?"


These words completely raised the anger in Nangong Pingyang's heart!
But before he could say anything, someone in the crowd started to discuss: "Isn't it? Where was the second prince during the massacre just now? When these people were arrogant and bleeding everywhere, where was the second prince?" place!"

"Bah, I used to think he was gentle and refined, but it turned out he was just putting on airs!"

"Isn't it? Seize the opportunity and want to frame the Yun family?"

"By the way, Miss Yun Feiyue didn't call off the engagement for him back then, forcing him to marry the Jia family as his successor. Tsk tsk, so... that's it!"

"The dignified prince is so ignorant..."

Listening to the more and more unbearable voices of discussion in the crowd, Nangong Pingyang's face was as dark as ashes at the bottom of a pot. Just looking at the opportunity in front of him, he didn't want to give up, so he worked hard to stabilize his emotions~
Squinting his eyes, he said lightly: "Hmph, how much the emperor loves Yun Feiyue, I think everyone knows that the three emperors are also devoted to Yun Feiyue. Will this kind of interrogation be fair?" His eyes turned slightly to look at Yun Jinghui: "Yun Jinghui is from the Yun family, so no matter what..."


Nangong Pingyang's words overwhelmingly pressed the Yun family!
Jun Qianhuang's anger flared up again: "This king can even suspect that you combined with Fengzhi Kingdom, threatened Yun Jinghui, and made him so inhuman!"



These words made Nangong Pingyang's heart tremble fiercely!
A hint of ferocity flashed across the eyes that were originally calm, and he pursed his lips: "Brother Huang, it doesn't seem very good to spout blood!"

"This king is just learning from you!" Shrugged: "Nangong Yichen, why can't you suppress this matter, how can I ask this king to support you in the future?" Impatiently looked at Nangong Yichen!
"Uncle, don't worry!"

I saw Nangong Yichen listening to his chest quickly: "This prince is a witness to this matter, not to mention that this prince is also the No. 1 witness, how can he take advantage of others at will!" As he said, he waved his finger!
Immediately, a group of imperial guards walked out, pulling these men in black and Yun Jinghui from the ground forcibly! !

"Second brother, third brother, I won't fight with you anymore, let's go!"


"Nangong Pingyang, you are not my opponent! Don't be too ugly!" Seeing that Nangong Pingyang seemed to be about to make a move, Nangong Yichen slowly approached Nangong Pingyang, lowered his voice, and said in his ear!

It was just a hand that seemed to lightly pat on his shoulder~
With a slight movement, Nangong Pingyang obviously felt a strong momentum, as if he could overwhelm himself at any time!
With a dark face, red eyes, and strong anger, Nangong Pingyang's heart became more and more cold... But his strength is not as good as others, and he can only watch him take these people away like this...

"What! What you said is true!"

In the imperial study room, the emperor was shocked when he heard that Nangong Pingyang returned in seconds: "The Yun family, Yun Jinghui is killing people at the foot of the emperor in the capital? Are you blaming Feng Zhiguo?"

Having said this, the emperor stood up abruptly... Even the anger on his face was so obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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