Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 546 Chapter 555: Sheng Qinglian's Calculation

Chapter 546 Chapter 555: Sheng Qinglian's Calculation
"Hey, you really just let him continue to be the emperor like this?" Yun Feiyue relaxed with Erlang's legs crossed, at least Tianyou Kingdom is now in Nangong Yichen's hands, and she feels a little bit happier in her heart!
Picking up a spirit fruit, he threw it in his mouth: "Aren't you worried that he will cause you some trouble again?"

"What are you afraid of? Now he is completely controlled by me!" There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Actually, I came here today just to ask if you have anything good for me? I'm going to challenge Fengzhi Kingdom! "

These words startled Yun Feiyue and jumped up from her chair: "You are crazy, what are you kidding, Feng Zhi Country is not just for you!"

"It's okay, it's just ghost mask technique!"

Taking a deep breath, Nangong Yichen said fiercely: "I always feel that the ghost mask technique of Fengzhi Kingdom is related to the Holy Light Palace. Since you want to practice against the Holy Light Palace, then let me deal with Fengzhi Kingdom. ...At least you will be much more relaxed!"


"Little Aunt Huang!" Nangong Yichen put away his foolish look, and showed a serious expression: "You can go at ease, Fengzhi Kingdom will definitely be flattened by me, but... if I really can't come back, you And Uncle Huang must support Tianyou Kingdom!"

There is a deep firmness in the eyes!
Heaven Blessing Country is the place he wants to protect all his life!
"You! Have you really made up your mind?" Looking at Nangong Yichen's serious expression, she suddenly understood why Nangong Yichen didn't become the throne!

It was nothing more than worrying that if the emperor went to conquest personally, in fact, the tricks in it were very strong, not to mention that this trip was indeed a narrow escape, Tianyou Kingdom cannot live without a king for a day!
Raising her eyes, Yun Feiyue stared at him seriously this time: "Okay, if you want to go, I will naturally not block it!"

"Ha, I knew Little Aunt Huang was the best!"

Hearing Yun Feiyue's words, Nangong Yichen immediately showed that touch of mischievousness again: "I don't know what good things Little Huang Aunt has?" Blinking like this, looking at Yun Feiyue... Yun Feiyue couldn't laugh or cry !

"After three days, come to my place!"

Well, I can't prepare too many things, so I must have medicine pills and armor!

Then prepare an elite team of 300 people!

"By the way, let Xiaoxie follow you, you can contact the tacit understanding in the past few days!"



"Mother, are you really willing?"

"Little Aunt Huang... this child is not you..."

"Xiao Xie!" Crouching beside Chi Xie, Yun Feiyue slowly felt reluctant to part with her: "You can rest assured to follow him, mother will be fine, but...you have to protect yourself well, Understand?"

With Yun Feiyue's order, although Chi Xie was reluctant in his heart, he understood the stakes!

Under the circumstances of all kinds of reluctance, Chi Xie left with Nangong Yichen, leaving Yun Feiyue with deep reluctance in her heart, and a mist in her eyes.

The selection of saintesses in the Hall of Holy Light has not changed in any way due to various events, and the emperor also showed a rare smile in the past few days!

The whole scene is quite lively!
I saw that under the scorching sun, the emperor sat on the main seat, and the deputy main seat was naturally the holy son of the Holy Light Hall, Sheng Qinglian!On the other side of the emperor were Jun Qianhuang and Yun Feiyue, they didn't seem to feel Sheng Qinglian's probing eyes, they were still talking lightly!
Sheng Qinglian no longer had the slight weakness of the past, and when she fell into Yun Feiyue's eyes, she naturally understood this man!
But he's getting better, it seems that it's not a good thing for her, now that he's submerged in the thick calculation, making her heart faintly uneasy...

(End of this chapter)

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