Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 559 Chapter 568: Watch me crush you

Chapter 559 Chapter 568: Watch me crush you

"so what?"

There was an indifferent smile on the corner of her mouth: "She thinks she can win like this? Can my son's eyes be worse?" That's what she said, but there was a little bit of reluctance in her heart. The more she Strong, then the effect on the Holy Light Hall will naturally be higher!
Looking at Sheng Qinglian's seeming sadness!

Lu Ba also fell silent.

There are also some contradictions between the Holy Son and the Holy Master, after all, the next Holy Master is the Holy Son!
"Hey, can't the strength explode?" Yun Feiyue stared at the situation in front of her without the slightest concern, looking at the round pill!
The corner of Yun Feiyue's mouth raised a slight disdainful smile!

She is a pure elixir master, so she naturally knows the effect and after-effects of a elixir!
"You wait to die!"

The red saint showed obvious anger, her face twisted, and she threw the medicine in her mouth. Just now she was still hesitating whether to swallow the medicine. The Holy Master said that the medicine can increase the speed There are several classes of people, but... But the consequence is that after half an hour, it will definitely become a waste!
She doesn't want to be trash!
But, she didn't want to die so ignorantly!
The moment the purple elixir was taken, the aura in her body soared, and countless rays of light of promotion were released from her body, rendering the whole scene very spectacular~ Everyone couldn't help but gasp Take a breath!

"God, she... such a violent promotion, isn't it terrible!"

"Isn't it? I almost thought she could enter the god level!"

"Isn't this too unfair?"

Looking at the situation in front of her and listening to the sound in her ears, the red saint twisted her whole face and said viciously: "Today I must let you die!" As she spoke, her aura surged again, enveloping her body , charged over with a strong momentum...

"Master, let me come!"

Xiao Qi twisted her body, with strong disdain, and slowly appeared in front of everyone, her blue eyes were full of disdain, and her fingers curled slightly: "I don't need my family to deal with you!" Master comes out, I am enough!"

Who is she?
Facing the exotic girl who suddenly appeared in front of them, everyone couldn't help being a little bit surprised.

I have to say that Xiaoqi is also a beautiful woman!

"Should Xiaoqi move so fast?" Lijuan couldn't help but turn black. Originally, she wanted to rush out, but now that Xiaoqi appeared, they could only stay obediently, a little aggrieved , To deal with such an idiot, he still wants his master to take action!

Simply think highly of yourself?
"I'll have to beat this Xiaoqi up later!" Abai couldn't help but groaned, "However, Lijuan, you are not suitable for appearing, after all, our Feiyue was a mysterious person appearing on such an occasion Yes, if it is recognized by the people of the Holy Light Palace, then it’s okay, right?”

"All right!"

Lijuan pouted her little mouth, a bit unwilling!
On the contrary, Qiu Zeyang couldn't help but chuckled lightly: "Okay, how can the jumping clown use elites like you to make a move~"

Xiaoqi who was outside almost spat out a mouthful of blood~ It's normal for Qiu Zeyang to defend Abai, but the tail hair slandered him, woohoo, she is also an elite, okay, so Xiaoqi turned grief and anger into strength, and the aura in his whole body skyrocketed: "Look at how I crush you~"

(End of this chapter)

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