Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 601 Chapter 612: Who will appease the anger of the Ice God

Chapter 601 Chapter 612: Who will appease the anger of the Ice God

In an instant, everyone was completely stunned!
This... is this waking up the Ice God?
These few people looked at each other in blank dismay, and they could clearly feel the intense displeasure of the Ice God, as well as the powerful aura in her body, which seemed to be able to easily destroy people completely!

"Her? Was...was it for us to wake you up?" After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, She Jingyi felt that her heart no longer belonged to her, as if it might jump out of her chest at any time!With a strong fear, the whole body trembled!

"It seems that we really did a good job!"

At the same time, Xiong Zhi's body couldn't help trembling a bit: "Now we're playing a little bigger!"

"Crimson Moon!"

Woodenly frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Ice God is a god, Qiu Zeyang is a zombie, and Ah Bai is a werewolf, these are all of the dark type, which is very unfavorable to them, it is better to let the two of them go back first." Space!" Squinting his eyes, he looked at the Ice God who slowly sat up!
There was a 'thump' in my heart!
The deep uneasiness obviously rose slowly in the bottom of my heart~
"Okay!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue said: "Zeyang, Ah Bai, you go to the rest meeting first, don't come out!"

"But, can you handle this situation?"

Frowning, Qiu Zeyang naturally knew that he might be the most dangerous here, but...he couldn't rest assured Yun Feiyue in his heart: "I think we should let Ah Bai..."

"No, I want to be with you!"

"Stupid! Come in, all of you, the dark aura all over your body, are you going to completely detonate her anger, so that they can't control it at all?" She stared hard, well, she did it on purpose, she knew that if she If you don't say that, maybe these two people don't want to leave!
Look at Yun Feiyue's serious expression!
Qiu Zeyang and Yun Feiyue looked at each other, and then said: "Okay, then you have to be careful!" The figures of the two disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, which made Yun Feiyue slightly relieved!

At the same time, the Ice God has completely woken up, with strong anger in his eyes: "Damn human, dare to disturb the dormancy of this deity, you want to die!" Following her anger, she raised her finger casually, immediately bringing With an overwhelming impact of a strong breath...


"My God!"


"too frightening!"

That breath swept over, and She Jingyi's body fell hard on the ice wall, almost causing internal injuries. Xiong Zhi's condition was not much better, and he fell beside She Jingyi and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth : "She, she just flicked it casually like this, and we were stuck against the wall. If we really attacked, wouldn't the dead scum be gone?"


Obviously, She Jingyi was also greatly frightened!
His eyes widened, his voice trembling: "This guy is more terrifying than we imagined, it seems that the bed is not small!"

"Crimson Moon!"

Mu Ran's body was fine, but he took a dozen or so steps back, clutching his chest, obviously suffering some internal injury, but he couldn't help but look at Yun Feiyue worriedly...

"It's okay, you take some pills first to keep your body!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue took a deep breath, obviously her body only moved a few steps slightly, but there was a strong gleam in her eyes. Surprised, this ice god just attacked casually, if he hadn't been a little bit defensive!
I'm afraid...it's hard to imagine now!

(End of this chapter)

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