Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 603 Chapter 614:

Chapter 603 Chapter 614:
"go to hell!"

Suddenly, there was an obvious emotional fluctuation in the eyes, and a blue halo was raised from the fingers, and he attacked Yun Feiyue fiercely. The terrible attack made everyone stunned!

"Be careful, Scarlet Moon!"

Mu Ran's body overturned and ruthlessly hit Yun Feiyue...

With a loud 'bang', Yun Feiyue's body was knocked into the air like this, but the powerful and terrifying attack landed on Mu Ran's body, and Mu Ran's body turned into an ice sculpture in an instant , unable to move!
"Nu Ran!"

"Nu Ran!"

"Nu Ran!!"

At the same time, three heart-piercing voices resounded in the space: "I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" As if going crazy, Xiong Zhi released all the spiritual energy in his body and attacked the Ice God fiercely At the same time, She Jingyi also released her aura, and followed Xiong Zhi to attack the ice god...

"No, no, don't!"

The moment Mu Ran turned into a statue, Yun Feiyue was dumbfounded, and when she realized it, Xiong Zhi and She Jingyi also became ice sculptures under the Ice God's move at the same time!

Looking at the three ice sculptures in front of her, Yun Feiyue's heart was completely angry!

Those eyes full of hatred were full of bloodthirsty: "Damn, is it the ice god? Friends, come out!"


At the same time, Xiao Jiu, Xiao Qi, Li Juan, A Bai, and Qiu Zeyang rushed out together, releasing all the aura in their bodies, and immediately the whole space was filled with the aura of God, and Yun Feiyue also rushed out The breath of my body was completely released, without the slightest lingering!

"Tsk tsk, it's all god-level, but so what, it doesn't seem to be enough in my eyes!"

The ice god's eyes were still full of disdain, and he raised the icy breath in his hand and slammed it at Yun Feiyue...

"Burning Landmark!"

"Burning Landmark!"

"Burning Landmark!"

Yun Feiyue naturally understood that her attack was not enough in her eyes, but her heart was still full of anger, and she attacked fiercely, no matter what the hell, if she hurt her partner, All have to die!
In my eyes, I recalled the moment when the nanny passed away!

Hatred surged fiercely in his heart, his eyes shone with a thick bloodthirsty light, like a demon!
"Ah, Crimson Moon!"

"Crimson Moon, what's wrong!"

Seeing Feiyue's sudden change, everyone was stunned, this... this is a signal to fall into the devil!
"Mother, don't, don't!"

Xiao Jiu wanted to rush over, but Ah Bai wrapped her body quickly: "No, don't go over, you are going to die at this time, and it won't do anything to Feiyue!"

"No, I want mother!"

"Woooooo, mother, don't do this!"

Immediately, Xiao Jiu burst into tears, watching Yun Feiyue's body begin to glow with red light, watching the red light completely ferment in the body, no, no, once these red The light occupied her body, then...

Thinking of this, everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do!
"Tsk tsk, do you want to fall into the devil for these tiny human beings too?" There was a trace of panic in the eyes of the ice god, and he quickly said with deep disdain: "Then come and try!"



She is going to fall into the magic way!

"Yue'er, no!" At this moment, an anxious voice suddenly rang in her ears...

(End of this chapter)

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