Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 612 Chapter 623: Someone, can't do this!

Chapter 612 Chapter 623: Someone, can't do this!

My heart is tense!
Stretching out her hand and grabbing his wrist, her heart became entangled again: "God, you have lost a lot of spiritual energy, you...you...are you looking for death?" Crimson Moon was completely excited!

It takes half of the aura to teleport him over!
This half of the spiritual energy will be fatal, not to mention... No, Yun Feiyue was suddenly shocked again, and widened her eyes: "When you were fighting with Bing'er just now, one move... God, it still used up half of it. Under the aura..."

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue's heart was completely flustered, and the worry in her eyes became more and more intense!

Feeling Yun Feiyue's excited appearance, Jun Qianhuang felt a little bit reluctant in her heart!

Hold her little hand tightly with both hands!

There is a deep determination in the eyes: "Hey, it's okay, it's okay ~ everything will be fine, I know what I'm doing!"

Her worry caused a slight pain in his heart, and the tenderness in his eyes became more and more intense. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked her face: "Stupid woman, talk too much!"

Looking at this little woman, she seems to be missing the point!

This made Jun Qianhuang's heart a little anxious, he was about to leave quickly, but she was still struggling with these issues, shouldn't it be a little bit of intimacy?

So, he didn't want to wait for this woman to get enlightened anymore, so he slowly bent down and kissed her smooth forehead~

The sudden intimacy made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble violently, her whole face was rosy, but her mind was blank, buzzing like a crash, but her heart was sweet at this moment How many minutes~

Eye to eye!

Lightning Flint~
All of a sudden, I just felt that each other's heartbeats accelerated a little bit!



Trembling fiercely!
Jun Qianhuangren raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a wicked smile: "Hey, let me kiss, just one kiss!" Without waiting for Yun Feiyue to react, he just bent down and kissed on her rosy little mouth

I don't know how long it took for the two of them to come back to their senses, just looking at Jun Qianhuang's deep eyes, which made Yun Feiyue's face red a little more, and she couldn't help but yelled lightly: "It's really Terrible!"

"Well, a husband can only be bad to his wife!"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang didn't mind at all, and gently arranged her skirt with her slender fingers: "Xiaoyue'er, don't do this next time!"



Obviously you are okay!
Why not do this!Is this going to make a fuss, obviously she is innocent, okay~~
She rolled her eyes, of course Yun Feiyue didn't dare to continue to challenge his pathetic waywardness at this time, lest she really wipe him out!

What's more, he will leave soon... This made her feel even more reluctant.

"Huang, from now on...you are not allowed to do this!" Leaning slowly in his arms, taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue's eyes were tinged with worry, ever since he did it on her body After marking the mark, always rushing here so recklessly?
No, she couldn't imagine any accidents happening to him!
Even if it is strengthened!

"Fool, I will naturally pay attention to myself!" Rourou smiled, but he didn't regret it!

Knowing his thoughts, Yun Feiyue didn't continue to struggle anymore, but silently took out a few pills from her bosom and handed them to him: "These days, the affairs of the Yun family of God Bless the Country are not trivial matters, You have to pay attention, you know!"

"Well! Don't worry, I will recover as soon as possible!" Nodding, Jun Qianhuang understood her abilities very well: "However, let me be quiet now, let me hug you again!"

The figures of the two leaned together... leaving behind a beautiful landscape...

(End of this chapter)

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