Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 616 Chapter 627: Nima, you still have to cheat when you die?

Chapter 616 Chapter 627: Nima, you still have to cheat when you die?
"Heavenly Heart Slash~"

"Flame Slash!"

At the same time, Mu Ran and She Jingyi no longer cared about the food in their hands, and immediately condensed all the spiritual energy in their bodies, and stuffed a pill by the way, with strong anger in their eyes: "Kill you invaders! "

'bang bang bang'

Suddenly, the sound of fighting was heard in the air again!

I saw the long sword in Mu Ran's hand hit the huge ant fiercely. With a strong flame, it landed on the ant closest to him with a bang, and the huge ant immediately slammed into the body of the ant. burning up...

Not a small moment of effort!

The huge ant was instantly burned into a cloud of dust... That black crystal nucleus just fell to the ground!

Seeing She Jingyi tumbling, she immediately grabbed the black crystal nucleus in her hand and threw it into her arms: "Haha, it turns out that these things are really afraid of flames, so I will also attack with the fire element!"

It was such a scary thing!

He actually turned into this bear when facing the flames!
This made her heart excited: "Heaven has no flames!" With the speed of both hands, the long sword transformed from the long spiritual energy was immediately dyed with a thick layer of flames: "Go! "Following She Jingyi's coquettish shout, she quickly attacked an ant beside her!
Immediately, the ant rolled on the spot, and with a 'boom' sound, the fire blazed and turned into a pile of ashes again~
Seeing how easily these ants were killed, She Jingyi's heart became more and more excited!
At the same time, the ants who wanted to attack them just now stood completely in place and began to retreat... It's just that the terrifying blood in those ferocious eyes seemed to deepen a bit, which made people feel deeply fear of...

"not good!"

At this moment, the numb heart was startled!
Raising his hands, he ruthlessly attacked these ants, with repeated attacks of 'boom boom boom', only to see that the remaining ants remained motionless, as if they were no longer afraid of death!But the long tentacles are getting longer and longer, rising towards the sky...

"Damn it!" With that loud shout!
Mu Ran and She Jingyi killed the ants in front of them at a speed... only to see that the ants sprayed out black blood and splashed on the two of them!

"Oh, it's so disgusting!" She Jingyi couldn't help but whet her appetite... She tried her best to pat off the black blood, and then quickly put away the crystal nuclei on the ground.

But she didn't expect to see Muran standing there with a flustered face when she raised her head, she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Muran, what's the matter?" His pale face made She Jingyi even more frightened in her heart , I couldn't help but feel a kind of uneasiness trembling fiercely in my heart!

"Go, get out of here quickly!" Pursing his lips, he quickly began to clear up the atmosphere around him: "Hurry up and pack up your things and go, if I guessed correctly just now, they actually put life and death aside, but they just wanted to put the tentacles away." Yang Qi, I'm afraid this is calling for an accomplice!"

These words completely frightened She Jingyi's heart!

"Could it be that this blood...does...have a smell!" She Jingyi suddenly wanted to cry: "You must know that when they died, black blood spewed out from their tentacles~~"

Woooooo~ Damn it, do you have to protect people like this when you die?

"Ants like to gather in groups. When necessary, they have the spirit of sacrifice!" Nodding, he did not forget the spirit of sacrifice of ants. For the sake of their companions, they don't have to sacrifice their lives!
(End of this chapter)

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