Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 618 Chapter 629: Besieged by giant ants, the queen is surprised

Chapter 618 Chapter 629: Besieged by giant ants, the queen is surprised



At this time, the ant colony began to surge, and attacked Mu Ran and She Jingyi viciously. Looking at the huge ants, no matter how easy they were to kill, there were so many of them. After a while, Mu Ran and She Jingyi I just feel like my whole body is going to be numb!
kill kill kill!

kill kill kill! !
The mechanical and repetitive movements made them feel very tired, but looking at the crystal nuclei all over the floor, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!
"Well, numb, I... I feel like I've lost energy!" She raised her arm again, and dropped it down fiercely. After killing a few ants around her, She Jingyi only felt that she had no energy in her whole body. It got a little better, but the eyes still shone with a firm light: "However, I will try to kill as many as possible!"

Looking in all directions, surrounded by a group of ants!
Not to mention She Jingyi, even if she is numb, she can still feel the chills in her heart!

A head of jet-black hair fluttered in the wind like this, the corners of her pretty mouth were slightly pursed, and a bloodthirsty light radiated from her eyes: "Be careful, don't let them hurt you! Be strong!" Stretching out her hand, holding She Jingyi Blocked in his own protective circle, he saw his fingers raised up, forming a barrier immediately!
There was a firm light in his eyes: "If you can't hold on, just rest!"

"No, let me out!"

Sensing Mu Ran's motivation, She Jingyi's heart was completely stunned, she stood up abruptly, and looked at Mu Ran in front of her with a pleading face: "No, don't face it alone, I am willing to continue!" Shaking her head , tears rolled down her face!

no no!
She doesn't want him to face so many monsters alone!

"Hey, wait for Feiyue, it will be good if Feiyue comes, one less death is one!" He raised a faint smile, smiled slightly, and then raised his finger again, with that strong momentum, He slashed at these ants fiercely...

There seems to be an endless spiritual energy all over his body!
It's just that Mu Ran understood that if Yun Feiyue gave some pills, it might not last long!

At this time, an ant suddenly jumped up, raised its long fangs and attacked Muran fiercely, one couldn't dodge, and with a 'swipe' sound, its arm was instantly stained. Dark red blood, I saw that the blood began to slowly turn black!
not good!

Feeling the numbness of the back of his hand, his numb heart suddenly trembled. It seems that Xiao Ming really has to confess?
"Mu Ran, Mu Ran uses Wan Poison Pill, Wan Du Pill!"

She Jingyi, who was hiding in the barrier, was already pale and terribly pale, and she became more and more worried in her heart!
She couldn't help but shouted heart-piercingly: "Mu Ran, let me come out to help, okay, I will be careful, Mu Ran!"

Mu Ran didn't seem to hear her words, just showed her a shallow smile, and then swallowed the Wandudan, it's just that these groups of ants, attacking one after another, can always make him more or less Injured, I saw that those few pills had bottomed out!

There is also a bit of sadness and sadness in Mu Ran's heart!
It seems...he is destined not to be with her forever, so let him give her one last effort!

Smile, so poignant!

With a firm look in his eyes, he concentrated the spiritual energy in his whole body fiercely, raised a huge flame, and fiercely attacked the ants overwhelmingly...

(End of this chapter)

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