Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 621 Chapter 632: Bing Divided into 2 Routes

Chapter 621 Chapter 632: Divided into Two Ways
When I woke up again, it was already noon and the sun was shining brightly!

Yun Feiyue stretched out her hand to block the scorching sun, looked at the sky through the mottled leaves, and saw that Zhengnan's reassuring weather was still normal, and she was relieved from the bottom of her heart, Mu Ran who followed had also returned to her original state Spirit!

This made everyone excited a little bit!
"Okay, you continue to be separated by Muran, and you must obey Muran's arrangement!" Yun Feiyue quietly stared at the people in front of her: "My partner has gone to other places, and I have to find him. Gather outside!"

"Crimson Moon?"

"team leader!"

"Don't worry, just enough points, I will definitely come out at the last moment, you have to be careful about your own safety, you have to go out at this time tomorrow, there is no need to wait for the last moment!" Shaking her head, she didn't want them to stay here for too long , is always unsafe!
"Okay, I understand!"

Mu Ran is always the first to recover, and nodded slightly: "Then, Fei Yue must protect herself well!"

Temple of Holy Light, Residence of the Son
"Holy Son, you can see that these people have come out one after another. After all, the distance between No.1 and No.2 is too big, so no one is forced to chase after them!" Lu Ba stood at the Holy Blue Behind Lian, she said slowly: "Now is the confrontation between the fifth group and the tenth group!"

Look at the leaping data!

Looking at the crowds that came out one after another, Sheng Qinglian's face was still calm: "Well, the tenth group is led by Yun Feiyue, so who is the fifth group to lead?" After passing the stove, the corners of his eyebrows slightly raised!
It seems that the fifth group should have a special relationship with someone!
"Chapter 5 is led by a man named Lu Xiangtian. He is about 15 years old and his abilities are unknown. However, they are different from the tenth group. The group is mainly due to the elimination of small monsters such as ant colonies and bloodthirsty butterflies, but..."

Speaking of this, Lu Ba hesitated again: "However, they disappeared for nearly a day, and we can't control it!"


Disappear collectively?

He shrugged indifferently, probably because he came into contact with an unknown map. This is also a common thing for the Devil Forest. Naturally, he didn't doubt anything, but there was a cloud of doubt in his eyes: "It seems that this old man should have What kind of arrangement, unfortunately, this time I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint him again!"

"Holy Son, are you really going to refine Yun Feiyue?"

"Lu Ba, do you think you can discuss this matter?" Frowning slightly, he looked at Lu Ba in front of him, his eyes were stained with a layer of displeasure, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked: "Whether Yun Feiyue will stay or not can only be decided by me!"

"Yes, this subordinate violated the rules!"

"If you know, go down!"

With a wave of his hand, Lu Ba left quickly.

It's just that Sheng Qinglian's eyes were stained with a bit of reluctance: "Yun Feiyue, Yun Feiyue, I was also reluctant to give up at first, but...now that I think about it, if I don't refine you, I'm afraid I won't be able to control you." You, if I let you leave me, it is better to let you stay by my side forever!"

The square is still lively!

The crowd in the Hall of Holy Light surrounded the square, looking at the data written on the huge crystal nucleus, they couldn't help but start discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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