Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 638 Chapter 649: Little 9, carry him!

Chapter 638 Chapter 649: Xiao Jiu, carry him!

Lu Ba stretched out his hand to grab Sheng Qinglian's hand, but he just grabbed a piece of his sleeve, and watched him fall fiercely while protecting Yun Feiyue. Suddenly time seemed to stop, Lu Ba The face of Heyue Maiden is terrifyingly pale!
"Lu Ba, what should I do, this... this place is no ordinary cliff!"

His voice trembled!
The whole person seemed to have lost his backbone: "This is said to be the devil's abyss, if you are not careful, you may fall into the devil's space. This... is a completely different space from our Holy Light Hall!"



Heart trembling fiercely!

Even Lu Ba was dumbfounded: "Now...we seem to have to wait here!" Staring blankly at the direction in which Yun Feiyue and Sheng Qinglian slipped, his heart was completely lost...

At this moment, Yun Feiyue only felt that her body was falling rapidly, and her face was terribly pale, but she didn't expect Sheng Qinglian to reach out and grab him at this time, and fell down with her. How guilty!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

The big hand held her little hand tightly, and yanked her fiercely, throwing her on top of him, while he was placed under her...


Seeing this situation, Yun Feiyue showed surprise on her face: "Why do you do this?"

"It's okay, I can't let you have any accidents at this time, can I?" Seeing Yun Feiyue's obvious repulsion, Sheng Qinglian's heart ached faintly!But still with superficial firmness, if he must die, let him indulge once!

All these years, he has had enough!
He doesn't like this kind of life either!

However, if he was alive, he would have no choice!

"Ah~" The body slid down again... towards the endless abyss...

It's raining, pattering!

Wind, please blow!

There seemed to be the sound of water flowing in her ears, and Yun Feiyue felt the rain falling on her face, so she couldn't help supporting her body with her arms and sat up slowly, feeling pain all over her body, softly After calling out, this mind came back to life!
Only then did I remember that I slipped and fell off this cliff!
Well, from the looks of it now, I seem to be alive and well!
Just what about Sheng Qinglian?

Thinking about Sheng Qinglian, Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with worry, although she didn't like Sheng Qinglian, although she also wished that Sheng Qinglian would die like this, but... she seemed to owe someone a day Are you a good person? "Sheng Qinglian, where are you...!"

He worked hard to support his body, and slowly stood up!
Only then did I realize that I fell on the edge of the stream, and Sheng Qinglian passed out not far away...

"You... are you alright!"

Swallowing a elixir, let her body recover easily, Yun Feiyue walked over, but saw Sheng Qinglian closed her eyes at this moment, motionless, this made her heart unable to bear I was a little worried, but looking at his quiet appearance, I lost the monstrous feeling that I usually have, and even less the deep and frightening feeling!

Youyou sighed: "Hey, I hope you're okay!"

He took out a elixir from his bosom, put it into his mouth, protected his aura and body, and then called out Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, carry him, follow me! "

(End of this chapter)

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