Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 640 Chapter 651: Indulging yourself is a dream

Chapter 640 Chapter 651: Indulging yourself is a dream
"Well, it's really delicious!"

This time, Sheng Qinglian couldn't put it down even more. It didn't take a while to finish a big fat fish. I don't know if she was hungry or what!
"Here, there are more here!"

Yun Feiyue quickly handed the grilled fish to Sheng Qinglian again!

Seeing this, Xiao Jiu twisted his body in displeasure, and let out a very dissatisfied moaning sound!
"Hey, I'll have you later!" Sensing Xiao Jiu's dissatisfaction, Yun Feiyue couldn't help laughing, which made the whole cave a little warmer.

The rain outside has finally stopped!
Sheng Qinglian's body also slowly recovered to seven or eight percent, Yun Feiyue also breathed a sigh of relief, and now she is worried about how to get out of this hellish place, standing by the stream, sighing leisurely , she felt like she was starting to miss Jun Qianhuang!

He stretched out his hand, covered his chest, and lowered his head slightly!

Thinking of Jun Qianhuang's gentle smile, Yun Feiyue felt that her heart was full of happiness, and the corner of her mouth involuntarily raised a shallow smile, it was so sweet~
This made Sheng Qinglian, who was standing aside, tremble slightly again. What kind of feeling was that?

"Are you thinking about him?"

Slowly, she approached Yun Feiyue: "Is he really that good?"

"Well, yes, I miss him!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue said slowly without any affectation: "He, it's not something people can understand, but to me, he is a priceless treasure!" Yes Ah, how people evaluate it is their business!

For her, this is a priceless treasure!

Somewhere in my heart slowly collapsed!

That kind of pained eyes are slowly looking at her internal organs, but the corner of his mouth is still hooked with a shallow smile: "What if there is someone who loves you more than him and loves you more?"

"That's other people's business, I think he's the only one!"

Shrugged indifferently, and said slowly: "I have no way to stop others from giving, but I know that my heart will be on him!" Thinking of Jun Qianhuang, Yun Feiyue's heart has already flown Thousands of miles away, I don't know what is going on with him now!


Her little evil!

Always leaving her side, this made Yun Feiyue's heart feel even more reluctant, that soft little Xie held a very heavy weight in her heart!

"Let's go!" Slightly patted the robe on his body, and said leisurely: "It seems that we are not unlucky, we fell in some hellish place, we just don't know how to get out!" Looking up at the sky, Yun Feiyue's heart is very heavy!

I don't know if this is another space!
"Don't worry, this place seems to be still in the Xuanming Continent. If I remember correctly, climb out along here, and I can feel the breath of the outside world, so that I can take you back to the Holy Light Palace!" Yun Feiyue's anxious face made Sheng Qinglian's heart still ache!

It seems that God does not give him a chance to indulge!

That's all, that's all, let him relax in the last few days!

"Then let's go!" Gritting her teeth and looking at the towering mountains, Yun Feiyue only felt that her whole heart was aching. If it wasn't for this man following her, she would be able to use her body without any scruples. Let the aura fly out!But now she's hiding her clumsiness!
(End of this chapter)

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