Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 651 Chapter 662: Mother's Spiritual Consciousness

Chapter 651 Chapter 662: Mother's Spiritual Consciousness

"Mother, look!"

Xiao Jiu's short paws quickly pointed to the piece of books beside the bed. There were still flipped books on the table at the moment, as if the master just went out for a trip and would be back soon!

Feel the familiar breath!
Yun Feiyue felt that her whole body was excited, and her eyes were full of excitement: "There is really a mother's breath here!" Slowly, she sat down, and slowly flipped through the books on the table, These books are just ordinary books!

However, Yun Feiyue felt very familiar and kind!
One page!
Another page!
Turning slowly, suddenly, she found that there seemed to be something?
This surprised Yun Feiyue, twisted the book up, and shook it gently: "Ah, what is this?" A strange look flashed across her face, and she saw a leaf similar to a maple leaf caught in the book, but Yun Feiyue But Yue always feels that this should not be just a bookmark!
With doubts!

Turning to look at Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, this... what is this?"

"Mother, look for yourself, it seems to be a kind of memory inheritance!" Blinking, Xiao Jiu looked at the leaf in front of her hard, and said after a while: "That means that the owner who owns this leaf will transfer his memory Use a special method to record it in this leaf!"

Memory inheritance?

Seal the memory in this leaf?

Immediately, Yun Feiyue became more and more excited: "Could it be for Dad?" Frowning, Yun Feiyue hesitated a bit!

Touching this leaf, tears flickered in his eyes!
"If it's left to Grandpa, then mother can't open these seals, so mother, you can try first, this inheritance memory is not something everyone can read, um, and according to this rune, I I feel that no one knows the use of this thing at all!"


In this way, should it be said that grandma is also a very mysterious person?
Otherwise, how did grandma know such an ancient and distant appearance?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was completely surprised: "What? There are other things like this, how can I do this?"

"This, I don't know how to do it!" Hearing this, Xiao Jiu smiled awkwardly: "I just saw it from the bottom of my heart, mother!" Blinking her eyes, she also wanted to know. , but...it would be great if she could sense it, okay!
"Okay, then tell me how I can break the seal!"

"It's very simple, it's the same as the contract, let the leaf identify with your blood, and the seal will be opened!"

Hear it!

Yun Feiyue nodded quickly, and quickly pierced her finger. Suddenly, a drop of blood slowly flowed out from her fingertips and dripped on the leaves. Ancient and mysterious textures!

Immediately afterwards, mysterious characters gradually appeared on the light~~
Looking at these characters, Yun Feiyue was dumbfounded: "How do I know this thing? Is this really a memory to be left to me?"

Black head!
She didn't learn these histories in the [-]th century!

"Son, are you my child?"

At this moment, a gentle voice as in memory slowly came from the leaf, and the leaf slowly flew up and landed on the ground. The girl stood up slowly!

That black hair has a pair of bright eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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