Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 659 Chapter 670: This will be miserable

Chapter 659 Chapter 670: This will be miserable
"Ah, this kick is terrible!"

"Whether you can get up or not is still a problem. I guess it was Yun Feiyue who did it, but this Yun Feiyue is really bold, to dare to make trouble here, could it be..."

"Hush, don't say a few words, lest you become innocent, I think it's better to avoid it, let the Lord and Son deal with these things!"

Soon, some people in the crowd couldn't help being a little scared!

Just like this, he retreated towards the back, leaving the Holy Master and his party standing at the front, and the saintesses looked terrified. You must know that Yun Feiyue killed several of them by himself during the competition in Tianyou Kingdom. Saintess, now that you are making such a fuss in the Shengguang Pavilion, you probably have advanced, right?
My heart is beating 'bang bang bang'!

His face was so dark that he couldn't describe it!

"Who is looking for me!"

At this moment, an arrogant voice came over, and I saw Yun Feiyue's crimson skirt fluttering in the wind, and her black hair fluttering slightly, with her hands on her waist, a cold smile raised from the corner of her mouth, her eyes There was a strong killing intent in his heart: "Who is it, you want to find me, why don't you come out and let me see your strength, how about it?"

The finger only thought about the Holy Master: "How about, Holy Master, you come to challenge yourself, how about it?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this. Yun Feiyue actually challenged the Holy Master directly?
"Feiyue, I'm by your side too!" Woodenly seeing that Yun Feiyue had torn her face apart, she naturally had nothing to hide, and just turned around and stayed behind Yun Feiyue at a high speed, with the corners of her eyebrows slightly twitching. Yang Qi: "I will swear to the death to follow Yun Feiyue!"

"And I!"

Immediately following, Xiong Zhi and Xiong Hua rushed over with She Jingyi!

Although they didn't know why Yun Feiyue did this, but...they trusted the girl in front of them from the bottom of their hearts!

Seeing the situation in front of him, the Holy Master's face changed again and again, and he looked at the arrogant Yun Feiyue with deep anger in his heart: "Wow, how dare a little girl be so arrogant?" The Holy Master's body suddenly began to swell, and he was twice as tall!
The change in the hot weather made everyone gasp!

But at this moment, Muran and his group did not give in at all, and even She Jingyi's eyes were stained with anger: "Hmph, if you want to bully Feiyue, go through our corpses first!"

"Yes, yes!"

"My brother is right!"


Hearing Xiong Hua's words, Yun Feiyue couldn't help laughing, then looked at the Holy Master, and said lightly: "I won't say too much, the Holy Light Pool is the second thing I want to destroy , my father went crazy in the Holy Light Pool, and my mother was destroyed in the Holy Light Pavilion! The entire Holy Light Hall must be dedicated to my parents today!"

Boom~ These words made everyone understand immediately!
More than ten years ago, the matter of Yun Jinxiao and Jin Ling'er was probably well known to everyone, but it was unexpected that Yun Feiyue was Yun Jinxiao and Jin Ling'er's daughter!
"Hmph, Yun Jinxiao and Jin Ling'er were just an accident!" Hearing this, the Holy Master's expression changed, and he said coldly, "If the path of cultivation is not well controlled, these accidents will naturally happen!"

"Ha, save it to deceive ghosts!"

He let out a loud bang: "What does the Holy Light Pool do? I think the Holy Lord knows better than any of us!"

"Fei Yue, what... what do you mean by this?" Mu Ran was stunned!
Even the other people stared blankly at Yun Feiyue in front of them... I don't know what these words mean!
(End of this chapter)

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